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Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Manage the Resource Called Time

Time is life the misuse of it is the misuse of life. The proper investment of it is the proper use of life. We often say no time, just as if nature has preference or it’s partial in the distribution of it. What the rich or powerful has is what the weak or poor has in their disposal, the difference is how they where able to manage or invest it.
Time is a universal leveler, it’s not myopic in its disbursement, it gives out the same opportunity and payout according to how you where able to manage or use or waste or invest it. Wasting time is very easy just sit back doing nothing or be busy gossiping, watching movie better still visiting friends that is all you have killed then you await the reaping of untold and unending poverty.


Now how can one invest tome judiciously? It is simple but requires commitment, determination and discipline to follow the strategies I would want to enumerate and elucidate.

Stratagem 1 – Planning
Prioritize your daily activities, map out how and when to execute certain task according to their order of importance and urgency. Planning makes your life style well organized. For you to be well organized you have to make use of certain principles.

  1. Get a check list; a to-do-list in their order of urgency and importance. For instance you have a football match to view which is urgent but not important and you have to iron your clothe for the next day job which is important but not urgent or you have to prepare dinner before your children go to bed that is important  and urgent.
  2. Think ahead; do a brainstorming of the necessary items you may need to thoroughly or properly achieve good result for each day.
  3. Don’t be an o! Yes member; learn to say no if it is not convenient no matter how you don’t really want to offend people. Say no to the things that are less important and focus on the more important ones. Why stress yourself and deprive yourself the joy of accomplishment that comes when goals are met.
Stratagem 2 – Eliminate time killers
There is lots of time killers– procrastination, fear of the unknown, fear to take risk, laziness, riotous life style etc.

The principles are for you to do the opposite that these time killers want you to do.
Procrastination is the thief of destiny yield to it and fall out of the path of success.

Don’t fear to fail because the fear of failure is worse than failure itself. A wise man once said that failure is just another way of telling you to change your method.

Dare to run the race dare to win, the risk is worth it.

Don’t fold your hands to say I am weak or I can’t get it down. You can if you think you can. Wake up you that love sleep.

You often go clubbing and paring by the time you are old you would have spent over 29 years drinking, partying and wasting your time. Save time save your future.

Stratagem 3 – Lead a balanced life.
Balance work and rest, work and family, family and friends and so on. There is time for everything, otherwise you cry I have no time. is just that you have failed to acknowledge that you need to balance everything around you. Work hard and rest well. Work but don’t forget your family. Make out time to boost your spirituality.

  1. Work hard and rest well to recuperate.
  2. Recreation and time with family will rejuvenate you. Because if you family is out of shape you will equally fall out of joy.
  3. Set achievable goals so you don’t over work yourself and fall sick to spend your little savings in medication.
  4. Go for check up and take medication because what you will lose when you are down can not be equated to what you will gain when fail to take care of yourself medically.
Stratagem 4 – Have good sense of judgment and value.
Poor sense of judgment will certainly limit you from investing you time rightly. And what you value will be what you will spend your time on.

  1. Live a moral life to upgrade your value system and imbibe in you good judgment.
  2. Cultivate love and humility so as to have a high standard of living.
  3.  Place value on spiritual things and on things that endure for long and amount to progress.

These stratagems are just guide to help you invest your time wisely and avoid wastage of time. Time is life and it is also money.

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