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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How To Find Fulfillment In Life – Wisdom For Fulfillment And Happy Living

The greatest task every today is people finding where to fit in. how they can derive fulfillment and contentment on earth but at the end they end up becoming something else different from their desire and aspiration. Godliness with contentment is great gain (Ecc 9: 14-15). To find fulfillment these 7keys will do.

Discover the purpose of God for your life
One way to do this is to meet the creator, another is to focus on your strength; likes, inner will power and might, what gives you satisfaction and you derive pleasure from. Yet another is to look out for problems you often love solving. Everyone is born to fix something and to meet a need, for if you meet that need you will be fulfilled.

Walk In that divine purpose
“I have come in the volume of the book that is written of me I delight to do you will, O my God”. (Psalm 40:7-8). It is one thing to know what to do and it is another to do it completely, not partial obedience but a complete one. People in the bid to get other people’s approvals they go astray to pursue shadows and follow all sorts of wrong paths to make impress. So the key here is to follow no matter how tedious it may look as far as it is the right thing to do.

Use what you have
What is it you have in your hands? In everybody’s hands, God has given us something to bring us to light.

For Moses it was a rod with which he parted the red sea.

For David it was a string with which he killed Goliath.

For Joseph it was the ability to dream and interpret dreams with which he became a great entrepreneur and leader in Egypt.

There is enough grace to run the race of life, the problem is not the race (black or white), the problem is those running. If you can write books develop the talent; if you can sing develop it; if you can act don’t waste time, get cracking. Use what God has put in you.

Keep moving
There are always new grounds to cover. Never assume you have arrived because you meet a target, set another and keep moving.

Where you think you have reached people have left there, where you think you can get to people are there. So keep moving, stagnancy is a deadly weapon of destiny destroyer.

Self development
Improve on yourself, on what you can do and on the height you can attain. improve on you manners, temperament, vocabulary etc.

Don’t ever think to be like someone else, you may be limited, just be yourself for every man there is a place he fits in

The greatest sources of personal development are books – if you open a book you open destiny if you red one read yet another, tapes or CDs, seminars and special trainings.

Set new standards
If you have attain a height don’t relax there, set new goals and standard to keep you working. Change old pattern set new working outstanding standards and appreciate with time.

Reproduce yourself in others
The story of Jephthah; how he turned useless people into men of war with whom he conquered the enemies (judges 11). Cast your bread upon the waters after many days you shall have it back. Put smiles in people's face and smile will never cease in your life

Don’t do a thing because others are doing it but because it is what you should do.

Whenever you use your time in irrelevant things you lose your value and become irrelevant with time.

Lots of people don’t know their advantages thus they think they are disadvantageous in life.

The tool for your up rising may be disadvantageous too hence, use it wisely. ( Moses’ rod became snake God asked him to take it by the tail-wisdom)

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