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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Speaking Skills – Simple Ways To Build Public Speaking and Communication Skills

Public speaking is the process of speaking to an audienve in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, motivate or entertain the listeners. It is a close synonym to presenting, although it is more of a commercial suggestion.

In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are five basic elements in public speaking are: who is saying what to whom using what medium with what effects? The purpose of public speaking varies from simply informing, to motivating people to take action, and then telling a story. Good speakers should be able to change the emotions the listeners and not just merely informing them without taking decision.

In presenting a speech, the end is not what is heard but what is said. So the sole target of a presenter is to sell his ideas by the use of effective communication skill.

All speeches should have to salient goals – the first goal is firm, fixed and basic —to communicate and be understood—while the second goal depends on the type of speech you want to present.

Types of speech

Informative: it is a lecture simply intended to convey knowledge and educe indulgence/and understanding. What to do in informative are; ask questions, solicit examples, let them ask questions, relate answers to question to real life situations. However, too much information will undermine your efforts. Don’t endlessly find facts, theories and figures just make sure you don’t get off hand.

Characteristic of informative speech

The information should be communicated correctly.
The information should be communicated clearly.
The information should be meaningful and interesting to the audience.
The information should probably try to change their course of action.

Persuasive: in a persuasive your job is to get your audience to agree with you and most probably to take action. The processes of creating, reinforcing, or changing people’s beliefs or actions are embedded in persuasive speaking. It is the most complex and challenging of all the types of speech because unlike informative speech, which you are mere than providing information on your topic, you are going to providing your own opinion on that topic and attempt to persuade them that your opinion is correct. This element is what makes the persuasive speech the most challenging of the four types. The key to a persuasive speech is to have an opinion about the topic. You must know what you believe and why you believe it and also have in mind the how to convince them. Provide convincing evidence for them to follow your opinion

Characteristics of persuasive speech

It most be convincing and for it to be, it must have the following elements.

Make references-appeal to authority- known authorities in certain areas of interest are most time highly regarded.

Make logical presentation-appeal to logic-not just some sort of argument but it should be with critical thinking and logic.

Get at their emotion- appeal to emotion-people easily take sympathetic decision when you get at their emotion.

Demonstrative speech: The demonstrative speech is much related to informative speech; it is to providing the audience with information however, demonstrative speech is to give the audience the clue on "how-to". In preparing this speech you ask yourself how and why the subject matter.
It is to demonstrate and show how is done so the use of aids is very important here. For instance you want to demonstrate how to couple a detachable table you will have to use practical examples. It is called the “how-to” speech because it seeks to teach on to get something done.

Characteristics of demonstrative speech

It makes use visual aids - These are helpful in any speech, but they are the very backbone of a demonstrative speech.

Focusing on how to rather than what is –determine what skill your audience should gain.

Imparting the steps involved in accomplishing the skill.

Your speech got the major points on how to achieve your goals well mapped out.

 Special Occasions: This final speechmaking is broad and differs from the others. You may want to present a speech at an occasion, a brief keynote address, a farewell speech, a birth day speech etc. In the various kinds of special occasion speech may have its own format which in the scope of this lecture. The speech may be prepared or impromptu. When making a speech at a special occasion; prepared or impromptu, be appropriate and focus. Your thoughts should always remain centered on that occasion itself and maximize the opportunity

Characteristic of special occasion speech

The speech should focus on the occasion

Be timely as possible and brief.

You may not have the facilities of microphone and aids – the audience might be standing around a cocktail party or a brief address whereby the audience are clustered around you.

It may be impromptu or prepared – so as a speaker you should be well informed and prepared at all times.

Tips to develop public speaking skills

Sound grammatical accuracy and eloquence in speech – as a speaker you have to build vocabulary – visit 
grammatical concord, collocation, use of idioms and figures of speech.

Attend seminars and listen to speakers around the world.

Read books on public speaking and listen to tapes.

Build inner ability to face people (courage).

Work on yourself in terms of personal development – read my article on personal development on this site

Have a good sense of humour – learn jokes, be polite, humble and friendly.

Have a good sense of dressing – not necessarily being extravagance but dress nicely and neatly and have a good sense of combination.

Mannerism is paramount – good manner is a very sharp tool to gain acceptance.

Seek examples and borrow from good speakers.

Obey time constraints and be concise

Know you audience before time.

Lead a discussion

Punctuate words with gestures

Get to the venue before every body or at least early enough to ease tension.

Always have enough information on what to present.

Seek to present something new – you are the resource person so you have to be ahead.

Good communication skill – tips on communicating well

What is said is not as important as what is heard.

Don’t seek to be understood seek to understand.

Listen more than you speak – listen more say less, people can asses you from what you say.

Make use of gesture and demonstrations.

Command good English language – speak well at all times and if you made a mistake in the cause of your 
speech don’t apologize but don’t repeat such grammatical error.

Styles/mode in communication – speak to be heard

Passive – too soft can’t communicate well.

Passive – Active – intermediate; talks not too soft but can’t pass out information accurately.

Active – good for the job, has all it takes to do the job. Has what it takes to convince his audience.

Aggressive – active but aggressive, too forceful and no humour or convincing ability

The best in communication is active; you are well heard, understood and firm. Don’t be passive and don’t be aggressive too just focus on the audience, getting you rightly.

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