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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Student’s Industrial Training Report Writing At a Glance

Report writing is an essential skill for professionals.
A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible.
Below we give some general guidelines. A report is similar to an essay in that both need:

  1. formal style
  2. introduction, body and conclusion
·                     analytical thinking 
·                     careful proof-reading and neat presentation
A report differs from an essay in that a report:
·                     presents information, not an argument
·                     is meant to be scanned quickly by the reader
·                     uses numbered headings and sub-headings
·                     uses short, concise paragraphs and dot-points where applicable
·                     uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations)
·                     may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary)
·                     does not always need references and bibliography
·                     is often followed by recommendations and/or appendices
Presentation and style are important. First impressions count, so consider these simple tips:
·                     use plenty of white space
·                     ensure the separate parts of your report stand out clearly
·                     use subheadings
·                     allow generous spacing between the elements of your report
·                     use dot points/ numbers/ letters to articulate these elements
·                     use tables and figures (graphs, illustrations, maps etc) for  clarification.
·                     number each page
·                     use consistent and appropriate formatting
·                     use formal language
Avoid these:
·                     the inclusion of careless, inaccurate, or conflicting data
·                     the inclusion of outdated or irrelevant data
·                     facts and opinions that are not separated
·                     unsupported conclusions and recommendations
·                     careless presentation and proof-reading
·                     too much emphasis on appearance and not enough on content.
A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. It should be easy to read, and professional in its presentation. See student’s IT report below.

Report Layout

Every report should be designed to permit the reader to quickly assess it for points of interest and direct attention to the detailed discussions on these aspects.
In the case of industrial training reports, a suggested arrangement is as follows:
Title page
Report summary or abstract clearly stating the number of days  of employment
Table of contents
Body of report

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dressing Etiquette For Interview And Professional Environment

Since first impressions greatly influence a hiring assessment, the manner in which probable employees present themselves can make a critical difference and make them standout from the rest. Two really important facet of business etiquette are professional dress and table manner. Dressing right and eating with good manners are essential to the job interviewing process. Here are some tips to help you navigate your way through the sometimes confusing rules of etiquette. Here we shall consider dressing.

Dressing for your first impression
To most employers, first impressions still count and poor personal appearance at an interview is a major factor leading to the rejection of applicants and their applications.

Dress to project the image you want the employer to receive and let your clothing reflect your knowledge of the type of job for which you are applying.

Even if the company has a “business simple” dress policy, it is better to take a conformist approach when going for an interview.

Knowing that your appearance is good may give you added confidence, and self-confidence is essential if you are going to make a positive impression.

It is also very good to know the company’s dress style so that you can conform to their uniform or dreSS code.

Once the Job is yours
Don’t forget about your grooming and appearance once you have been hired

Despite the trend toward more freedom of expression in the way employees dress, many employers have maintained strict dress codes

As soon as you’ve been hired, find out whether your employer has a dress code

Some codes are written down, but others are “just understood”

Your dress and grooming may affect the initial friendships you form on the new job because dress extremes may attract some people, but turn others off

Dressing for the interview and professional environment
Most interviews require that the interviewee should be professionally dressed, they first and foremost examine your appearance. Worthy of note is that appearance is not only about you dressing but also everything else that sums up your appearance: hair style, perfume, smiles, etc. thus the following tips will be of intense help.

Tips for men and women


Suit for a business professional conservative environment - dark solid or slight pinstripe conservative

Blazer for an informal business casual environment coordinated sport coat or blazer with khakis, chinos, or gabardine trousers

Shirts – long-sleeved dress shirt in solid colors such as white, cream, or light blue are preferred

Necktie – medium width silk ties in solids, stripes, and small patterns. Tip of the tie should touch the top of the belt

Shoes & Socks – dressy slip-ons and lace-up shoes in black, burgundy, or dark brown. Dark color or neutral over-the-calf socks coordinated to trousers

Belts & Accessories – leather belts in black, burgundy, or dark brown to match trousers or shoes. Avoid flashy cufflinks, rings, or neck chains. If wearing an earring (or several), remove it (them) before the interview. Trim-styled watch with leather or good-quality metal band. Wedding bands and conservative rings are appropriate, but limit one per hand

Hair, Skin & Fragrance – hair should be clean and neatly combed. No “five-o’clock shadow”; facial hair should be groomed and trimmed. Go light on after shave products and avoid colognes.
Cover tattoos


Matched-skirted suit for a conservative business professional environment conservative suit in neutral colors or understated plaids. Skirt length no shorter than slightly above the knee, no longer than just below mid-calf

Unmatched suit for an informal business casual environment – jacket and pants or skirt in coordinating colors and fabrics. Skirt no shorter than an inch above the knee, no longer than just below mid-calf

Blouses – Solid colors or small, subtle geometric patterns and floral. Avoid sheer fabrics, oversize prints, frills, ruffles, straps, or plunging necklines

Shoes – Medium to low heeled pumps, no open toes or slings, opt for shoes in black, navy, taupe, or dark brown leather. Shoe color should match or be darker than hemline. Neutral-colored stockings to match or compliment skin tone

Belts & Accessories – Belts in neutral colors no more than an inch wide. Limit jewelry to small pieces in gold or silver; pearls are also appropriate. No dangling earrings and only one pair per ear. Good quality rings limited to one ring per hand

Watch- Plain round face or tank-styled watch with leather or clasp-style metal band

Hair, Makeup, & Fragrance – Hair should be natural color, or at least look that way. Wear longer hair pulled up or back and away from your face. Go light on makeup and avoid perfume. Cover tattoos

General Note
Dressing generally has lots of volumes to speak, people always assess you base on the way you dress, above all you are the way you are dressed. What you are on the inside is what you show through the way you dress. Dress nicely!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Simple Steps to Monetize Your Website

Like we have discussed in our post on online business, we defined Website monetization as the process of converting existing traffic sent to a particular website into income. The possible steps to monetize your website(s) are thus:

1. Google AdSense

AdSense shows ads that are remarkably significant to your site’s content. AdSense pays you certain percentage of the proceeds each time they are clicked on. If you have a website about entrepreneurship, it might display ads from an entrepreneurship agent or marketing agent.
To get a Google AdSense you have to follow the modus operandi:
  1. Place HTML code on your website where you want the advertisements to display. AdSense policy only allows up to 3 ad blocks on each page of your website.
  2. Advertisements that are related to the content are displayed. Google ensures that the highest paying ads are shown on your web page.
  3. Google bills the advertisers and networks for the advertisements that showed on your website and pays directly.
Google deals with advertizers and you receive a cheque or deposit every for the proceeds that your website generated.
Anyone with a website can take advantage of this program and getting started takes just minutes, provided that you have a Google account. You can read more about Google’s AdSense program by reading Google AdSense help center.

2. Infolinks

Infolinks is an advertising platform, they place in-text ads within your website content and pays when they are clicked. They have software that identifies the most valuable keywords within your website content and double-underlines theses keywords, and when your visitor hovers his or her mouse over them an advertisement related to the keyword is displayed. If they decide to click on the “learn more” you are compensated. For details read more on

3. Affiliate Offers

Affiliate marketing is a very effective way for your website to generate traffic and make returns because it allows you to present your visitors with offers that they are likely to be interested in.
If you have a blog on fashion and style you will have to find an affiliate offer that is of interest to your visitors, such as the style that fits intending couples. Then you place a banner or text link on your website that contained your affiliate link and directed the visitor to the offer. If they signed up for the particular offer, you are then compensated with an affiliate referral payment. Some credit card offers pay out $50 – $100 for every referral an affiliate sends.

4. Create & Sell Your Own Digital Product

This is a monetization strategy that is great for those who have a very niche specific website combined with a large volume of website traffic. Creating your own product allows you to provide something very specific for your visitors and retain 100% of the revenue.

5. Direct Ad Space

If your website has significant amount of traffic and you have built up a following, it presents you the ability to sell direct advertising space on your website. The offers will not roll-in in one Day. It might take months but be sure to include details of how you should be contacted by a potential advertiser.
Advertisers that use Google’s platform are charged per click. This can become very expensive for the advertiser so they often look for opportunities to buy ad space for a flat fee.  So advertisers will prefer to advertize at a cheaper rate.  

You can combine Google AdSense with your own direct advertising to spawn some cheery income from your website.

Others are

6. Sponsored Posts & Reviews

7. Gate Premium Content

8. Generate & Sell Leads

9. Related Posts

10. Paid Private Forum

Read  more to learn more on online biz

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