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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Godly Child

Text: JOHN 1:12-13, 1JOHN 3:2, 1JOHN 310-12

So that the child can understand clearly the  stage he is.

 So that the child can become a godly child.

So that the child can grow in light of God’s will for children

To build a positive mindset in children


Who is a child

Who is a godly Christian child

Challenges facing children

How to become a godly child

Benefits of a godly child

Conclusion and summery



Who is a Child
A child is a young person from birth to the age of full physical development (puberty); a boy or a girl, who is below the age of adulthood; a minor gloss person who is below the legal age of responsibility or accountability. The legal dictionary puts a child from the age of 14 and below. Gen. 42:22; Prov. 22:6

A child is in always in the total control of parents, teachers, older people and very often the environment.

The following are general characteristics of children; it is important to know them, so that the child can explore his/her childhood and make proper use of the stage. There is an African adage that says “if you could not be a good child, you can hardly be a good adult”.
  •  There is always the natural tendencies to do wrong
  • Children have a wild range of imagination
  •  Are emotionally sensitive
  •  Can easily be convince and vulnerable
  •   Generally they are carefree
  • Forgive easily and forget easily
  • They are eager to learn and acquire skills
  • They trust easily and believe what parents and adults tell them
  • They are easily molded by environment and etc.

Challenges Facing Children
In this world is tribulation, temptation, trials and lots of satanic devices to face. The environment is a key player in what we will become. A child is product of nature and nurture. Nature as it relates to the environment; both natural and artificial. Nurture as to what the child views (Nigerian movies), hears, the friends he keeps, the type of parental background.

The world today sells crime, advertises immorality, and lots of avenue to mislead the child. A child who has made up his mind like Daniel not to defile himself will scale through. 2 Thessalonians 2:10; 1 john 2:15

A Godly Christian Child
A Christian child is a child who believes in Christ. A Christian child is the person whose perception, attitude, action and mindset are shaped and influenced by the spirit of God and the teachings of Christ. The character of a Christian child can be likening to the character of the childhood of children in the bible as taught by Jesus. Matt 11:25, Matt 18:3, Col 3:20; Eph 6:1-3

A godly Christian youth can be known by the following characteristics (matt 19:13-14)

·         Believe in God and see Jesus as a friend
·         Find it easy to pray
·         Have faith in God’s ability to answer prayer
·         Accept every God’s word as true. 

How to become a Godly Child
1.       Build goodly character: by following the teachings from the church and obeying parents, teachers and guidance. The character here is not does and don’ts they are reflection of the new man a regenerated mind. Rom 8:6.
2.       Cautious of what you do: caution prevents being carried away and gives focus to what we do. So a child who wants to cultivate a godly character must be cautious.
3.       Blameless and simple minded: the child should try to be pure in thinking and strive to please his maker. Deu 11:13.
4.       Have faith in God (Heb 11:6): God can only bless a child if he has faith in him. God’s abundance of g race is available to those who have faith in their God.
5.       Be conscious that God is watching whatever you do: by so doing you will always want to do the right thing, knowing full well that the mind can lead us astray except we guide it in the light of God’s word. Prov. 16:3.
6.       Obeying parents and teachers’ instructions. Gen  18:19.
7.       Walk with godly children. Show me your friends and I will tell who you are. Prov. 13:20

Benefits of a Godly child
  • Eternal life
  • Loved by everybody
  • Peaceful and truthful
  • Destiny assured
  • Safety guarantee
  • Pride of every one
Conclusion and Summary
There are lots of factors that can actually turn a child into something else. With the rate at which crime increases every day and the peer pressure, one will conclude that it is difficult to obtain godly children this day, however the truth is that any young person who desire to do what is right, there also lots of chances of becoming a godly child in spite of the ungodliness in the world today. All you need do is obey some certain principles lay down by our parents, pastors, and teachers. Above all follow the footprint of Christ.

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