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Saturday, August 24, 2013

How To Make Academic excellence 1 (Developing Effective Reading and Understanding)

There is always a way out with God all things are possible. There is no man born dull to this life. If you must excel, read and remember, you need to observe the following steps.

-               Clear your mind of any emotional or mental stress: Any things you think that will interfere with the clarity of your mind.  Forget your pains, disappointments rejections, lacks etc, believe in God and focus on your studies.

-               Prayer changes things, if you have any challenges always take it to God in prayers, if possible fast.

-           Avoid any form of sexual relationship or unnecessary courtship, make sure you discard any distraction. 

-                      Apply the SQRRR system.

S              -              Survey
Q             -              Questions
R             -              Read
R             -              Recite
R             -              Revise

Survey:  Read through your books taking note of any difficulty, read through everything.

Question:  Get  past questions and also generate question on your own. Then answer them.

Read:  Diligently go through what you have read. And the question you have answered, so as to master them.

Recite:  Try to remember everything you have read. Try to answer those question without making reference to your books.

Revise:  Whenever you notice that you forgot what you have read, then go back to your previous notes answered question and book again and again till it becomes part of you.

Laws of Effective Reading  and Assimilation

Law 1
                Law of Repeated Readings
Do a repeated reading of what you have learned. Do it over and over again until you are visually  familiar with the information in the text. It is shown that, it is only a 3 percent of what you do a day you can recall. Reading your books over and again, it sticks.

Law 2
                Law of persistence and pursuance
Persistence breaks resistance and perseverance gets to the end. For you to have an effective understanding, you must not be in a hurry to cover your book, rather take time to cover it. The more you endure in the place of reading, the more the information becomes part of you.

Law 3
                Law of Give and take
This third law of give and take demands, that what you have read, you should impact it into others, by so doing, it sticks. It also emphasis that you should not be self sufficient always try to know, meet those who are higher than you and people of the same field to put you through whenever the need arises. Even if it is what you know always be quick to listen than to talk. Then haven’t acquired the knowledge impact it in others.

Law 4
                Law of concentration or focus
Always be focused and eliminate distractions within and without, emotionally and otherwise. Make sure you are focused in whatever you are doing.

Law 5
                Law of Continuous reading
Sometime, when students come across difficult things whenever they are studying, they will just stop. Since they don’t understand. Or sometimes they will spend all the time trying to resolve the difficult situation. This law demands that you should take note of whatever is giving problem, and move on. Move to the next paragraph, page, etc. then you can now apply Law 3. 

Law 6
                Law of Habitual Reading
Make reading your habit. And discipline  yourself  so that reading can be part of you. What you read will stick to your subconscious mind and the information will eventually will be part of you.

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