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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Business Management – Sustainable Business Growth

You don’t expect to grow and progress in anything in life if you don’t have a clear cut of what you want, where you want to get to, when you want to get there, and how you can attain it.  Most small scale business owners around the corner have no clear understanding of what it takes to navigate through the competition and succeed in the face of the daring challenges that confront business. Some equally have fizzles out of business and are completely indebted to a high degree. In business management, there are fundamental and cogent issues to be considered. These issues are treated below.

Sustainable business growth skills/tips – issues to be considered

Have a clear goal in mind of what you business will settle for and know your endpoint; that is what you want to get at, at certain point in time. Then focus all machineries towards the actualization of your target. People rush into business because they feel is a way to run out of hardship. That is completely wrong; your business should fulfill certain desire and aimed at a goal. Then you can now smile out of hardship and penury.

Work on your mindset. What you can attain through your mind is practically attainable through your hands. So your mind is an essential contrivance to business sustainability. Update yourself through qualitative training; gather enough information, read books on the path you want to tread, attend seminars. Survey your environment to know how to embark on productive change. A stagnant business is a product of stagnant mindset. In the past most of the communication companies are not into online dating, raffle draws, adverts, security tracking, insurance etc but right now this is the trend. They could arrive at this through qualitative thinkers who are paid for thinking. Your business growth is sure on the track if you follow a true path of galvanization of your mindset with all the essentials – what it takes to think through then breakthrough.

Get connected through networking. A friend of mine has an office some where in Nigeria; a euro travel agency, he has his affiliates around the cities of Abuja, Lagos, Benin, Warri, and some other major cities in Nigeria. What he does is, he pays certain amount on commission. Networking will get you to places you may not get to in the ordinary sense. Networking brings you closer to lots of business opportunities.

Improve on your services skills. Whenever you are criticized don’t defend just acknowledge them and see if what they said if worked on will bring sustainable growth. I know some people criticize indiscriminately but analyze any complain and see if you can work on it. Let you customers see reasons to come back to you. I and my associate visited a bank for some transactions; their services are not only epileptic, some of the cashiers especialy one particular lady are full of themselves and arrogant. We decided to use another branch of them same bank since we already have an account with them, this time when we got there the reception was superb and efficient. The difference here is that the later has better service skills. Handling skill is essential to business; entrepreneurs should know how to meet up with the changes that often pop up as innovations emerge. Special trainings and seminars are very important in achieving this goal.

Importune the use of better advertisement and powerful marketingstrategies, so as to reach out to your service audience. Sometimes people buy presentation rather than buying the goods. Goods and services sell better with better advertisement and powerful marketing force.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Practical Ways To Personal Development 2 – Key Elements

There is no one person without some sort of quality residing in them. Before you can come out in full you have to develop them. In doing this, there are key elements you must acknowledge and direct efforts towards so as to be utterly transformed. I will like us to relate them to a mathematical equation.

The world today is like a space jet, moving at the speed of light if anyone delays getting on board for just a second, he will find himself 186,000 miles behind. Remember time waits for no man and how you make use of time here on earth, is the function of how well you have developed yourself over time. A preacher should improve on his messages, a banker should get the best at his services, and a public speaker should learn all the ethics in quality public speaking and so on. There is nothing more for anyone rather than how they can get the best in. Getting better is as easy as a-b-c

(NA + AA) *A = HA             

NA = Natural Attribute

AA = Acquired Attribute

A = Attitude

HA = Higher Altitude

Natural attribute

God has given us what takes to be who we want to be. The ability to succeed in the face of obscurity is resident in us. But you have to find out your package. Christians or non-christains if anyone discovers his packages he smiles to the bank of nature to obtain his dividends. Develop your self to bring the best out of you.

Natural attributes are natural tendencies, potentials inherent in us if when discovered and activated can part the red sea and take us to the Promised Land. But in finding the length and breadth of these attributes you need to gain some other skills, knowledge and know how.

Acquired attribute

Apart from the fact that there is an inherent greatness in man buried somewhere in our human abilities, given to us to moderate our world and to put us in charge, there are other things we need to do so as to complement and stretch these natural abilities to their fullness. As we learn something new, as we get special training, as we attend seminars, as we acquired skills and know how, we are building a unique maximum strength to steer or navigate our path to greatness. Acquiring other skills will bring the best in you and help you to maximize your natural endowment.


No matter how talented you are character is one major factor of life that can pull you down or make you excel in life. Everything is character; if you fail in character, then you have failed indeed. Your attitude towards life determines your altitude in life. So your actualization sternly depends on your character.

Higher altitude

You height in life is a function of the combination of your natural endowment and the trainings which you received; which are at the mercies of your attitude. You can not be better than the way you behave.

Better height is possible!!!

Practical Ways To Personal Development 1 – The Way Forward

There is always a room for change and development. There is no static position in life, it is either you are appreciating or depreciating, so let no one thinks he has arrived. The room for personal development is the largest in the world but with few occupants. People are always comfortably found at the basement where it seems there is no stress or fatigue ignoring the top which seems difficult to arrive but makes the future sure. Actually it is more risky or deadly   to remain at the basement. The secret to the top of the ladder is simple; personal development.

People don't make formidable progress outside the quest to improve on what they do and even in their at large. So it is all about progressiveness.

Understanding personal development

Personal development is the deliberate steps taken to improve on yourself and in what you do. It is an all-round betterment. Physically, mentally, emotionally, morally spiritually, psychologically, socially and so on. It has to do with working on what you know, do and say; and how you handle situations arising from them. It also includes learning something new; skills, manners, mindset, acquiring degrees and knowledge, etc. It is an idea to always get better in responsibility and leadership.

Tools for development

Seminars and functions – they will help build and improve on you. Spend money and time on yourself because you need a better you to deliver.

Read good books on Leadership, public speaking and services – good readers are better leaders. The ways out of ignorance are books. Not just some pornographic or sexual or romance but life changing trial blazing books.

Learn mannerism, etiquettes and cultivate good morals – life is dynamic you don’t have to rely on the old orthodox methods of living or doing things. You have to better your life. Lots of people lack manners mostly those in the entertainment industries – you are not better than some bunch of ignorant, unlearn and irritating ill-mannered fellows. Sorry to say but is always what you look in the sight of others when you display pride, lack of respect and well cultured manners.

Have a good sense of dressing – you will be addressed the way you are dressed. You can not be more intelligent than the way you look.

Get more degrees and be studious – always try to go up in schooling and be studious.

Be result oriented and focus – always produce the expected result when necessary. And you can’t do that if you are not well trained, informed and well guided. Distracted people can’t go far so stay on your assignment to get good result. Let your mind be on how to get the job done in good fate.

Dedication to duty and hard work – dedication to duty and hard and going the extra mile in getting things done will certainly put you ahead of others.

Be ready to change and take correction – lots of people hate when you point out their wrongs. So they have every cause to defend and attack when they are corrected. You can’t improve if you are like this.

Always solve problems and take responsibility – always try to clear your table and leaving nothing till the next day. When something goes wrong don’t hang it on something or someone else. That is the way to get it right.

Develop new skills – outside your career what other skills do you have; singing, composition, word processing, AutoCAD, Soft ware engineering, iron and steel craftsmanship, welder etc?

Build a powerful mindset – change your mindset about life and result generally; it is to better humanity and serve the purpose of imparting life. And not just to put money in your pocket and buy cars and build gigantic buildings. That will certainly come later but focus on the people then you will get it right.

Work on your IQ – read books to develop the mind and build a very good sense of judgment and logicality.

Not untill everyone looks up to you to provide the solution to their problems, you have not properly developed. Let them see you as the most capable person to handle certain responsibilities. what ever you do, do it well and perfectly well

19 core areas to improve or work and focus on

Ø  Behavior

Ø  Emotion

Ø  Mindset

Ø  Leadership ability

Ø  Talents/Skills

Ø  Sense of dressing

Ø  Relationship

Ø  Vocabulary

Ø  Poor traits and weaknesses

Ø  Sense of value

Ø  Destructive appetite (shun Voracious living)

Ø  Arrogance   and competitive spirit

Ø  Manners of approach

Ø  Integrity issues

Ø  Procrastination

Ø  Sacrifice and prudent in spending

Ø  Resourcefulness

Ø  Intelligence

Ø  Discipline and dedication to work

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