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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Business Management – Sustainable Business Growth

You don’t expect to grow and progress in anything in life if you don’t have a clear cut of what you want, where you want to get to, when you want to get there, and how you can attain it.  Most small scale business owners around the corner have no clear understanding of what it takes to navigate through the competition and succeed in the face of the daring challenges that confront business. Some equally have fizzles out of business and are completely indebted to a high degree. In business management, there are fundamental and cogent issues to be considered. These issues are treated below.

Sustainable business growth skills/tips – issues to be considered

Have a clear goal in mind of what you business will settle for and know your endpoint; that is what you want to get at, at certain point in time. Then focus all machineries towards the actualization of your target. People rush into business because they feel is a way to run out of hardship. That is completely wrong; your business should fulfill certain desire and aimed at a goal. Then you can now smile out of hardship and penury.

Work on your mindset. What you can attain through your mind is practically attainable through your hands. So your mind is an essential contrivance to business sustainability. Update yourself through qualitative training; gather enough information, read books on the path you want to tread, attend seminars. Survey your environment to know how to embark on productive change. A stagnant business is a product of stagnant mindset. In the past most of the communication companies are not into online dating, raffle draws, adverts, security tracking, insurance etc but right now this is the trend. They could arrive at this through qualitative thinkers who are paid for thinking. Your business growth is sure on the track if you follow a true path of galvanization of your mindset with all the essentials – what it takes to think through then breakthrough.

Get connected through networking. A friend of mine has an office some where in Nigeria; a euro travel agency, he has his affiliates around the cities of Abuja, Lagos, Benin, Warri, and some other major cities in Nigeria. What he does is, he pays certain amount on commission. Networking will get you to places you may not get to in the ordinary sense. Networking brings you closer to lots of business opportunities.

Improve on your services skills. Whenever you are criticized don’t defend just acknowledge them and see if what they said if worked on will bring sustainable growth. I know some people criticize indiscriminately but analyze any complain and see if you can work on it. Let you customers see reasons to come back to you. I and my associate visited a bank for some transactions; their services are not only epileptic, some of the cashiers especialy one particular lady are full of themselves and arrogant. We decided to use another branch of them same bank since we already have an account with them, this time when we got there the reception was superb and efficient. The difference here is that the later has better service skills. Handling skill is essential to business; entrepreneurs should know how to meet up with the changes that often pop up as innovations emerge. Special trainings and seminars are very important in achieving this goal.

Importune the use of better advertisement and powerful marketingstrategies, so as to reach out to your service audience. Sometimes people buy presentation rather than buying the goods. Goods and services sell better with better advertisement and powerful marketing force.

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