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Sunday, January 29, 2023


Ways To Improve Your Personal Development Skills
By Pastor Godwin Okoremu
Pastor Godwin is a seasoned career services professional with 12+ years of experience in career coaching, recruiting and leadership roles with the purpose of helping others to find their dream jobs. 

Pastor Godwin helps people navigate through the quest of landing on that preferred job through career coaching, seminar, symposium, and quality mentorship.

Personal development is the ongoing act of assessing your life goals and values and building your skills and qualities to reach your potential. They can contribute to your maturity, success and satisfaction. Many people strengthen their development skills throughout their lives to better themselves and reach their goals. They can do this through education, advice from a mentor, self-help and more.

In this article, we will describe some of the most important personal development skills that can help you become more capable and confident.

Noteworthy Key :

Personal development skills can be soft or technical skills.

Select which skills to develop by performing a self-analysis on your areas for improvement and the necessary skills to advance in your career or industry.

Focus on transferable skills that make you a competitive candidate for any job.

What are personal development skills?

Personal development skills are qualities and abilities that help you grow both personally and professionally. In other words, they are skills that help you nurture your personal development. Understanding and improving these skills can help you maximize your potential. This process is also known as self-development or personal growth

Why are personal development skills important?

Personal development skills are important because they allow you to create plans for personal, career and professional growth toward your goals.

It can be so helpful that it can enable you to naturally achieve you futuristic goals and dreams. 

Personal development can be  them used to:

1. Achieve personal and career goals

2. Advance in your career

3. Improve your strengths and talents
Better yourself

4. Find fulfillment and satisfaction

5. Build strong resilience in achieving goals

6. It is essential tool for building focus.

How to improve your personal development skills

You can enhance your personal development skills by taking classes, learning from the people around you, gaining new talents and improving upon existing ones. Follow these guidelines to develop yourself personally:

1. Overcome your fears
Fear can prevent you from growing and progressing. If you are afraid of public speaking, take a class or join a group that helps people become better public speakers. If you are afraid of taking risks, find a mentor who can help you make good decisions and build your confidence. Grow and learn by trying things you might not be comfortable doing. If you are shy, try starting a conversation or introducing yourself to new people at a reception or workshop.

2. Read
Reading can expand your knowledge and vocabulary and keep you informed. It can also stimulate your mind and can improve your critical thinking skills. Try reading at least one educational or motivational article a day or book a month.

3. Learn something new
Whether you do it yourself or sign up for a class, learn a new skill or topic. You might, for instance, take courses to learn another language, a new software program or how to write creatively. Consider watching a webinar on professional development topics such as entrepreneurship or social media marketing.

4. Ask for feedback
Approach a family member, friend, colleague or manager, and ask them to give you feedback on a recent project or accomplishment. Use their positive comments as well as their constructive criticism to find ways to improve. Sometimes you need an outside, unbiased opinion to get a different perspective.

5. Observe others
Watch and learn from the people who inspire you. This could be someone you know, such as a supervisor, family member or public figure. Identify the qualities you admire and try to replicate them in yourself.

6. Network
By interacting with many people, you can learn new ideas and understand how to communicate and work with different personality types. You can also meet people and develop relationships that might help you in the future. Network through industry organizations and shared interest groups, or attend conferences and events on topics that interest you.

7. Keep a journal
Writing in a journal every day or week can help you gain self-awareness and reflect on recent events, decisions and conversations. You might keep a hand-written, private journal or choose to share your thoughts and experiences by blogging. Use it to set and assess goals and progress.

8. Meditate
Meditation enables one to gain clarity of vision and purpose, and then gain awareness and reduce stress and anxiety. 

Meditation can help you focus on your self-development and goals in a healthy, positive and calm way. Even scheduling a break from work or quiet time to yourself can help you relax and focus.

9. Get a mentor
Have someone you can look up to as mentor. Someone in a field you want to develop.

Talk to a mentor if you need help identifying ways to build your self-development skills. This individual could be a manager, professor, someone you admire or a professional personal growth mentor.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Vanishing Pot Belly And Developing A Firm Flat Stomach

I took statistic of people around my area and discovered that almost all the young and mid-aged people have protruding stomach if it were pregnancy that would have been understandable but the issue here is that both male and female alike. People with pot belly don’t have control over their lifestyle hence they are not careful with what they eat and drink and when, how to eat and drink. One can develop a firm and well structured tummy. A problem is half solved when you know the root cause of the problem. So what is the root cause of protruding belly?

Causes of pot Belly
Bloated stomach is essentially the build up of fat (visceral fat) around the abdominal area or belly. Visceral fat is very difficult to loose when once developed. One of the ways to easily know what to do is to know what not to do. So what are the wrong ways to handle pot belly?

Wrong or harmful practice to reduce fat or lose weight

Don’t starve yourself: some people think skipping meals or not eating regularly will help reduce weight, yes you will certainly lose weight but it will be too drastic and instantaneous which will in turn be harmful and create more health problems than the one you which to solve. Some people after skipping meals when is time to eat, they eat mountainous meal, that leaving more problems than the first. If you miss meal you may likely to eat more and that is dangerous.

Don’t use chemicals, dry gin and even pills to lose weight: I was on a commercial bike trying to beat traffic I saw a woman with tremendous weight judging, of course is to lose weight. The bike man said that is waste of time, she would taken a glassful of Chelsea or other dry gin early morning on daily bases, I quickly cautioned; that is wrong. There are safe ways which we can use to lose pot belly and weight. It is harmful to try using this method because of its dangerous effect on the body.

Smoking: people think when you smoke you burn fat and keep fitness. I’m sure you know smoking is dangerous to health, and can kill you before you die.

Tips to lose pot belly and gain firm flat stomach

Eat right
If you want to get rid of your pot belly easily, you need to change your eating habits, be conscious of what you eat and drink. To do this you need to:

Minimize your calorie intake by avoiding food that is high in fat and sugar/carbohydrate.

Avoid processed foods and high fat diary products. Processed foods may be high in sodium and low  in fiber which contributes to stomach bloating. 

Eat small meals at intervals say 5 times a day than eating three mountainous meals a day. This will  help manage hunger and sugar level of the body, but don’t over shoot. However the meal should be  balanced. Big meals will speed up your body metabolism and the result will be big bloated belly.

Avoid junk meals and fried foods so you can manage your weight. Always try eating what you have  tested that is you know what it entails.

Eat more of fruits and food high in fiber for easy digestion and excretion.

Eat at least two hours before going to bed to allow digestion because when you sleep that is when they body rest so digestion during this time will just give the intestine work and the fat will accumulate around the abdominal area.

Avoid high intake of carbohydrates for dinner because this is the period when the human body is at rest and involves least activity and the accumulation of fat around abdominal area is more

Drink right
      Alcoholic beverages contain high calories that can be stored as fat around your waist line and around  the abdominal area.

      Process you juice yourself if you must take juice then it is natural.

      Carbonated drinks and some juices contain high sugar, so reduce their intake by replacing with water. Water is the healthiest choice of drink it helps flush the body of toxins and will help you in digestion. It can even make you feel full before meal so you can eat little.

Do Rehydration by taking at least 4litres of water daily. Like we said water is good for the body.

Regular exercise

Regular cardiovascular exercises help burn fat around the abdominal area. Combine this with other abdominal exercises this will help strengthen the stomach muscles and reduce the pot belly then give you a firm line stomach.

Other helpful tips

Ø Develop a proper posture and stand erect, sit straight, avoid slouching, by standing                up  straight and pulling in your belly to strengthen your stomach muscles.
    Ø  Walk as much as you can.
    Ø  Eat salad, fruits and include whole grain in your meal.
    Ø  Meet a fitness specialist to find an exercise that suits you. 
    Ø  Avoid red meat eat white meat but avoid the fat too.
    Ø  Eat more of fish than meat.
    Ø  Avoid chewing gums
    Ø  Be careful with gassy vegetable such as beans.
    Ø  Too much of nuts such as groundnut should be limited.
    Ø  Medical conditions such as gastroparesis can result in a pot belly. If you are experiencing persistent abdominal enlargement, get a medical counseling.
    Ø  Avoid chocolate and butter. Although there are special chocolates for diabetic patience.
    Ø  Look for groundnut oil that is cholesterol free
    Ø   Junk food kills not only pot belly but general health killer.

Stay healthy, health is wealth!

Masturbation...The Issues

What about masturbation?
Masturbation is a process of gaining sexual satisfaction through the sexual stimulation of one’s own sexual organ to the point of sexual arousal by massaging, touching or stroking the penis or clitoris several times.  In some cases stimulation may be by use of everyday object or sex toys.

Masturbation occurs in both male and female. It is a wrong practice; some people think there is nothing wrong with it, however to benefits is small compare to the adverse effect it has on someone.

Some people suggest it as a way to avoid premarital sex. But it could completely destroy your sex life completely. You will see how negative it is as we go on.

The habit
Most habits are developed unconsciously; the movie we view, the pornographic pictures and magazines can stir up sexual desire and cause wrong addiction which will most time stir up the habit. There are lots of factors that can lead one to the habit however making friends with those who practice it and listening to talks that encourage it will facilitate one developing the habit. 

According to Sigmund Freud the habit can be developed from childhood if not checked. Sigmund Freud a Psychosexual development theorist, his works on early childhood development, stipulates that a child’s behavior is geared towards some parts of their body. According to him, adult behaviors are as a result of childhood sexual desire when the child starts to pet or touch their private parts. Thus it is good that such habit should be discouraged because it can result to masturbation when they are grown up.

The bad side
It does come with some consequences; the habit often comes with a long-term cost of addiction and other sexual problems. Addiction may be as dangerous as any addiction such as drugs, alcohol, cigarette and tobacco in general. If not checked early it can result to a higher level of addiction that can affect one mentally and emotionally.  The case of a lady in Germany who walk into a medical center with two pencils in her bladder; objects she used as sex toys. Striking the penis is dangerous since it could cause failure in erection with time.

Masturbation is a satanic or demonic obsession. Our body should be honored the correct use of our organs should be respected since abuse is always very negative.

Research reveals that masturbation destroys sexual satisfaction from our partners and restricts one’s body self-stimulated sexual satisfaction. This will make it very difficult to satisfy our partners.

There was a time I went to present a talk on sex and sexuality in one of the polytechnics in Nigeria and one of the male student wrote to me how he feels dirty, ashamed and demoralized after each time he masturbated. And the worse is, he has tried stopping it but the more he tried the more the urge.  So you see this attitude is satanic and obsessive. 

Overcoming this devil
You actually need spiritual help; so praying and seeking spiritual counsel from your spiritual leaders will obviously help. In seeking spiritual help don’t forget your leader is a man and they are prone to error, so reject advices you think is not logical or adequate.

Spend more time with friends and family and avoid being idle. When the need to masturbate comes, always try to occupy yourself. The problem may come when you are in bed, result to prayer, you could pick a book that will take you to sleep. You can also keep candy or sugar free snack next to your bed. When your mouth produces more saliva it brings on serotonin, and that brings on a sense of well-being and comfort. Don’t be afraid of dental problems since sugar free is the option.

It is best you avoid porn materials. Always try to remind yourself of the long time effect; your mental and emotional health is important.

Develop healthy goals and occupy your time pursuing those goals. If your mind is filled with how you can achieve on task or the other there will be little or no time for the urge to occupy your head.

Develop healthy new habits and exercise often to keep you busy and healthy. Try to make sure your new hobbies replace the habit. If you think on how to improve on the hobbies you will with time completely cleared up of the satanic desire.

Be success oriented and get creative. Turn sexual urges into creative output (sublimation). You can start learn a new skill may be writing, playing of the keyboard  or other musical instrument, join a public speaking class, join the choir in your church or other groups in your area. Do whatever it takes to make you creative.

Listen to life transforming speech, view life transforming programs to replace the pornographic material.
Develop an unusual hatred for the habit and any thing that suggest the act. 

Premature Graying-Causes And Control

Basically gray hair happens to all of us at one point or the other. Gray hair does not necessarily mean old age. Melanocytes are tiny hair pigment cells found within the hair follicle, which produce the hair dark color. As we grow old, the activity of the melanocytes gradually declines until they stop producing pigment. New hair grown at this stage, results in gray hair. Some people go gray in their 20s or 30s others still don’t witness not until in their 50s. When you go gray, that does not mean you have a medical situation although medical situation can lead to graying. So we are going to see the possible factors that can actually lead to graying.
Factors responsible for graying

Vitamin deficiency
Medical condition
Poor nutrition
Damage of follicles
Natural bleaching

Much stress, can actually resulting in graying. When you work for long hour, or always involve in strenuous activities all the time, it can result in premature graying. Because the stress will certain do interfere with the systematic functioning of the body as a result of lack of proper rest, food and body care.

Gene play a large role in early graying, if it is in the lineage that is there is the natural tendencies or developing early graying. I know someone who was born with some element of gray hair. So it could just be genetics.

Vitamin deficiency
This deficiency can be due to intake of food low in vitamin B12, which can be mainly found in meat, eggs, and milk. Deficiency in folic acid can also cause graying. Folic acid deficiency can be as a result of liver disease, alcoholism, dialysis, pregnancy and even during breast feeding. Correcting folic acid can correct it.

Medical conditions such as vitiligo which cause loss of pigment in the skin resulting in very light patches of skin and possibly premature gray hair. Problems with Thyroid or pituitary disease can cause graying. A situation where there is thyroid glands deficiency whereby the blood can not absorb vitamine-12. It can also occur if the stomach can't absorb vitamin B12, due to medical surgery which involves the stomach or small intestine such as gastric bypass surgery, Crohn's disease of the small intestine, celiac disease, fish tapeworms, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, and lack of protein, can lead to vitamin B 12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia can cause premature graying.

Statistics has shown that smokers look older than their age. Smoking speeds up the aging process, mostly at the lungs. A report from the British medical journal published that out of 3000 smokers 81 individual show graying before the age of 50. When compared to the numbers of non-smokers, gray hair was 50% less common in the non-smokers. Cigarette smoking can be linked to premature gray hair.

Poor nutrition
Nutrition is important for proper development of the body and of melanin. Eat food rich in essential vitamins and protein for the proper pigmentation.

Damage of follicles
When there is damage to the hair follicle that is responsible for pigment, graying sets in. chemicals, radiations from the atmosphere, burns etc. can cause damage to hair follicles.

Natural bleaching
Naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide can also build up in the hair, bleaching the color of the hair

Of cause as earlier discussed, as one grows old, gray hair is always there to show for it.

Control measures
It is impossible to stop graying completely so it is recommendable that one controls it. Here some control measures:
1.       Kill the stress
2.       Eat up and balance the diet
3.       Correct problems of pituitary or thyroid glands by seeking medical recommendations and treatment
4.       Keep a healthy life style
5.       Run a medical check for anemia, and good measures to fix it by eating food rich in iron and other nutrients
6.       Increase intake of iron rich food, such as beans, seafood, nuts, unripe plantain, vegetables etc.
7.       Take a steep to increase or boost melanocytes by taking food supplements.

8.       Quit smoking

Monday, May 22, 2017

Kwashiorkor in Infant

Kwashiorkor is mostly found in developing countries because of poverty, war, ignorance, hurricane etc and is suffered mostly by infants or little children whose diet lack protein-calories. Kwashiorkor is therefore caused by the lack of protein- calories in the diet. Protein in the diet plays very important roles in the diet these include:
  • Repair of worn-out cells
  • General body and muscle building
  • Provide energy in the body especially when carbohydrate intake is low
  • Helps in the development of hormones
  • Help in blood transportation and clotting
Symptoms of Kwashiorkor

Symptoms associated with kwashiorkor include:

(a)     Bloated stomach

(b)    Oedema (swelling) in the feet, hand, and feet.

(c)     Loss of appetite

(d)  Retard growth

(e)  Change in the color and texture of the hair

(f)    Loss of weight etc.

Treatment of Kwashiorkor

Children suffering from kwashiorkor should be given immediate attention in order to prevent a disease called Marasmus which is the advance case of kwashiorkor and is characterized by the complete wasting of muscles in the hands and legs.

Children suffering from this disease should be fed with the provision of adequate protein and calories in high quantity in their diet.  They should be fed with food like eggs, milk, fish, beans, soy beans powder or soy milk, African yam bean which is very rich in protein etc. also, their food should be supplemented with folic acid, iron, salt, vitamin A, potassium and magnesium sulphate. Foods rich in calories are given first (carbohydrate, fat, and simple sugar) so that they can gain energy then protein rich food can now be given later. When their diet is properly monitored, full recovery should not take up to 8 months.  

Prevention of Kwashiorkor
Children should be fed with protein-calorie rich food. In fact I will say that children should be given food that contains all the classes of food (balance diet) in the adequate manner which is:

(a)    Carbohydrate

(b)   Protein

(c)    Vitamin

(d)   Minerals

(e)   Lipids(fat)

(f)     Fiber

(g)    Water.

Non of these essentials should be lacking in their diet,  their diet should be garnished with fish, meat, eggs, vegetables etc. children should be encouraged to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to build strong immunity that help fight against germs and diseases. Also, give lots of milk to children, because it will help them to have a healthy growth. Thank God for the food industries, they are able to come up with different brands of milk at a very low price, so money should no longer be the problem, go for the one your pocket can afford. Parents should erase the mentality that is the elderly that eat the lion share of meat and fish then children should be served with bone to lick, remember they are still growing and need these things more than you do. Please don’t be ignorant of what your children should eat. Let save our children, let them live and not die. Seek counsel and guardian from your health care provider, thank God for health center just few miles away from home.

Problem of Quick Ejaculation: Causes, Consequences and Care

This article is for the married who want to solve reproductive health and sexually related issues. If you are not yet married, you have no need for sex. As a preacher of the gospel, I tell youth to pray to God to give them the empowerment to wait on God till marriage so that they can enjoy a happy married life. Pr-marital sex has a lot of danger than pleasure. Matt 15:19-20, Act 15:20, 1Corr 6:13.

What is Quick Ejaculation
Quick ejaculation or premature ejaculation is a situation whereby the male gets to orgasm earlier than expected. During sex, the male ejaculate quickly or prematurely, leaving behind sexual in-satisfaction which eventually tempers with the emotional and/or sexual well being of one or both couples.
Research reveals that about 30 percent of male complains about it.
Quick ejaculation is as a result of lack of ejaculatory control. The male’s inability to determine or regulate or prolong the time of ejaculation during sex results in premature ejaculation.

1)      Inexperience
This is a major cause of the issue. It requires ‘know how’ to regulate or prolong the time or when the male ejaculates. Inexperienced can be handled by constant practice and training.

2)      Inheritance
According to the medical research of some experts, people whose parents have cases of prolonged premature ejaculation, may suffer from the same issue. Howbeit this can also be managed and control through practice and medical care and/or advice.
There may be other causes of this problem however the scope of this article/research work, covers what we have now. Not withstanding there has not been any other medical explanation for quick ejaculation than what is available now.

1)      Lack of sexual satisfaction. 

2)      Misunderstanding among couple.

3)      Unfaithfulness may set in or sometime breakup.

4)      Lack of confidence on the male.

5)      There may be other consequences but they all are related to sexual and emotional well being of the couple.

Since quick ejaculation results from lack of control over ejaculation, the first step is to try to gain control over when to ejaculate.
1)      During sexual intercourse, hold your breath and stop movement, then remove your mind from the action completely once you noticed you are about to ejaculate and continue sex; try as much as to spend more time using this method.

2)      Condom prolongs ejaculation. This is from personal experience. The often you use it; it builds the mind set towards prolonging ejaculation, in fact it prolongs release. Sex is majorly a thing of the mind since it is how you feel and want to feel that determine sexual satisfaction.

3)      Exert pressure at the base of the penis by holding it, withdraw when you are about to ejaculate and cease breath for a moment and then go back to action.

4)      Stroke for sometime, stop and continue, then stop for sometime and then  continue. At each time of stoppage, make sure the sensation that was about coming stops then continue. Don’t allow the sensational feeling of ejaculation starts coming before stoppage, just do it at short regular interval and then hit faster after some time allow ejaculation and allow your partner stimulate you again then go back to activities.

5)      First ejaculation may come quick. After the first take a walk to the birth room ease your self or something, concentrate or reflect on the action to cause erection then go back again. Take a third, fourth…..etc rounds. The more rounds of strokes you go the more time it takes to ejaculate. This works wonder.

6)      Ensure you are healthy and physically fit. Do regular exercise to build muscle and body fitness. Since almost everything we do is tied to mental, emotional and physical fitness.

7)      Masturbation is a sin; it is a perversion of sex, so I will not recommend masturbation. Above all it kills sexual desire, since after masturbation, sex urge dies immediately. The idea is to cause ejaculation before sex since the second release may take time after the first. You can replace this by continuing after the first round and then go for a third, fourth etc.

NOTE:  comments, contributions, questions etc can be directed to this website

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Student’s Industrial Training Report Writing At a Glance

Report writing is an essential skill for professionals.
A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible.
Below we give some general guidelines. A report is similar to an essay in that both need:

  1. formal style
  2. introduction, body and conclusion
·                     analytical thinking 
·                     careful proof-reading and neat presentation
A report differs from an essay in that a report:
·                     presents information, not an argument
·                     is meant to be scanned quickly by the reader
·                     uses numbered headings and sub-headings
·                     uses short, concise paragraphs and dot-points where applicable
·                     uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations)
·                     may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary)
·                     does not always need references and bibliography
·                     is often followed by recommendations and/or appendices
Presentation and style are important. First impressions count, so consider these simple tips:
·                     use plenty of white space
·                     ensure the separate parts of your report stand out clearly
·                     use subheadings
·                     allow generous spacing between the elements of your report
·                     use dot points/ numbers/ letters to articulate these elements
·                     use tables and figures (graphs, illustrations, maps etc) for  clarification.
·                     number each page
·                     use consistent and appropriate formatting
·                     use formal language
Avoid these:
·                     the inclusion of careless, inaccurate, or conflicting data
·                     the inclusion of outdated or irrelevant data
·                     facts and opinions that are not separated
·                     unsupported conclusions and recommendations
·                     careless presentation and proof-reading
·                     too much emphasis on appearance and not enough on content.
A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. It should be easy to read, and professional in its presentation. See student’s IT report below.

Report Layout

Every report should be designed to permit the reader to quickly assess it for points of interest and direct attention to the detailed discussions on these aspects.
In the case of industrial training reports, a suggested arrangement is as follows:
Title page
Report summary or abstract clearly stating the number of days  of employment
Table of contents
Body of report

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