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Friday, May 26, 2017

Vanishing Pot Belly And Developing A Firm Flat Stomach

I took statistic of people around my area and discovered that almost all the young and mid-aged people have protruding stomach if it were pregnancy that would have been understandable but the issue here is that both male and female alike. People with pot belly don’t have control over their lifestyle hence they are not careful with what they eat and drink and when, how to eat and drink. One can develop a firm and well structured tummy. A problem is half solved when you know the root cause of the problem. So what is the root cause of protruding belly?

Causes of pot Belly
Bloated stomach is essentially the build up of fat (visceral fat) around the abdominal area or belly. Visceral fat is very difficult to loose when once developed. One of the ways to easily know what to do is to know what not to do. So what are the wrong ways to handle pot belly?

Wrong or harmful practice to reduce fat or lose weight

Don’t starve yourself: some people think skipping meals or not eating regularly will help reduce weight, yes you will certainly lose weight but it will be too drastic and instantaneous which will in turn be harmful and create more health problems than the one you which to solve. Some people after skipping meals when is time to eat, they eat mountainous meal, that leaving more problems than the first. If you miss meal you may likely to eat more and that is dangerous.

Don’t use chemicals, dry gin and even pills to lose weight: I was on a commercial bike trying to beat traffic I saw a woman with tremendous weight judging, of course is to lose weight. The bike man said that is waste of time, she would taken a glassful of Chelsea or other dry gin early morning on daily bases, I quickly cautioned; that is wrong. There are safe ways which we can use to lose pot belly and weight. It is harmful to try using this method because of its dangerous effect on the body.

Smoking: people think when you smoke you burn fat and keep fitness. I’m sure you know smoking is dangerous to health, and can kill you before you die.

Tips to lose pot belly and gain firm flat stomach

Eat right
If you want to get rid of your pot belly easily, you need to change your eating habits, be conscious of what you eat and drink. To do this you need to:

Minimize your calorie intake by avoiding food that is high in fat and sugar/carbohydrate.

Avoid processed foods and high fat diary products. Processed foods may be high in sodium and low  in fiber which contributes to stomach bloating. 

Eat small meals at intervals say 5 times a day than eating three mountainous meals a day. This will  help manage hunger and sugar level of the body, but don’t over shoot. However the meal should be  balanced. Big meals will speed up your body metabolism and the result will be big bloated belly.

Avoid junk meals and fried foods so you can manage your weight. Always try eating what you have  tested that is you know what it entails.

Eat more of fruits and food high in fiber for easy digestion and excretion.

Eat at least two hours before going to bed to allow digestion because when you sleep that is when they body rest so digestion during this time will just give the intestine work and the fat will accumulate around the abdominal area.

Avoid high intake of carbohydrates for dinner because this is the period when the human body is at rest and involves least activity and the accumulation of fat around abdominal area is more

Drink right
      Alcoholic beverages contain high calories that can be stored as fat around your waist line and around  the abdominal area.

      Process you juice yourself if you must take juice then it is natural.

      Carbonated drinks and some juices contain high sugar, so reduce their intake by replacing with water. Water is the healthiest choice of drink it helps flush the body of toxins and will help you in digestion. It can even make you feel full before meal so you can eat little.

Do Rehydration by taking at least 4litres of water daily. Like we said water is good for the body.

Regular exercise

Regular cardiovascular exercises help burn fat around the abdominal area. Combine this with other abdominal exercises this will help strengthen the stomach muscles and reduce the pot belly then give you a firm line stomach.

Other helpful tips

Ø Develop a proper posture and stand erect, sit straight, avoid slouching, by standing                up  straight and pulling in your belly to strengthen your stomach muscles.
    Ø  Walk as much as you can.
    Ø  Eat salad, fruits and include whole grain in your meal.
    Ø  Meet a fitness specialist to find an exercise that suits you. 
    Ø  Avoid red meat eat white meat but avoid the fat too.
    Ø  Eat more of fish than meat.
    Ø  Avoid chewing gums
    Ø  Be careful with gassy vegetable such as beans.
    Ø  Too much of nuts such as groundnut should be limited.
    Ø  Medical conditions such as gastroparesis can result in a pot belly. If you are experiencing persistent abdominal enlargement, get a medical counseling.
    Ø  Avoid chocolate and butter. Although there are special chocolates for diabetic patience.
    Ø  Look for groundnut oil that is cholesterol free
    Ø   Junk food kills not only pot belly but general health killer.

Stay healthy, health is wealth!

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