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Monday, September 30, 2013

How To Be Successful In School

Whatever you do make sure you get the best out it. You academic is not an exception. In achieving Excellent in school, you have follow strickly the following salient points.

Eliminate distractions
Schooling requires great attention. Many students when they get into school, they feel that it is an escape from home and freedom from parental legitimantion and so they are carried away into lots of wrong practices and relationships. Once I was told how a fresher asked one of my student for a relationship. The Said girl is under 18 yet she felt is time to go into romance. Well if you ask me I will tell you that your time in school is time to build career and not relationship.

No matter the circumstances arround you, just make sure you focus on your studies and shurn every distraction. Even if you don't have money or sponsor and things seems difficult, just work on how you can scale through school and don't be troubled, things will naturally fall in place if you play your role.

Get the right attitude towards your school.
A girl once said that she doesn't like her school; such attitude can make you perform poorly don't do what you don't like. As long as you are there, then you must love where you are. Just find a way to love it.

Some students wanted a particular course but the institution gave them a different thing entirely. Some times it may be you find yourself in situations you can not handle, all i am saying is that don't allow anything discourage you, keep doing the right thing.

Always encourage yourself to succeed
David encouraged himself in the Lord when there was no one to encourage him. Many a time it seems you are alone. Yes loneliness may set in some times but all you need to do is to encourage yourself like david. There is no path in life that is easy or simple. The person you are looking upto may also have some problems to face.

A boy told me how his uncle refused to help him with just 2 thousand naira (about $12 ) so he can do certain registration in school so he can take exams and the uncled turned him down completely not that he was not having rather in his presence he commenced a project of over a hundred times of what he asked for. In fact the uncle walked him out. I told him boy you need to encourage yourself whenever your down.

Be organized and be composed
If you are always disorganized, you can't get it right. You need a calm and cleen atmosphere to assimilate. Make sure you plan each day in school, don't rush or wait till die minutes before you do assignments and projects. do the right thing at the right time.

Remember a tree can not make a forest
Meet people to explain things you don't understand, no matter how small the person may be.Get reading partners, you can even form a resding group. No one can succeed alone you will certainly need help some times.

Set targets
If you don't have target you may not know if you are lagging behind or not performing to expectations. Set a tardet and run after it. Make sure you meet up with it.

Hard work
Hard work is the way out; all great men in history are all hard workers. So if you must do well in school, you must go the extra miles. Don't stop at where others stoped always be ahead of everyone.

Rest, play and excercise
When you have worked then take a time out to rest, play and excercise. The body needs rest so you don't worked yourself out and face breakdown. You need to keep fit and healthy, you need the body to succeed.

Eat well
Eat when you are supposed to eat, eat right avoid constipation or starvation. Have the right eating habit. You need food to keep you strong and healthy for the task.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Success Trait-10 Traits of great achievers

Successful people have certain trait in common, no matter their field of endeavor: academic, sport, entertainment, movie, entrepreneurship and business just to mention but a few. There may be some distinguishable differences in their character and some of these winners are more renown than some others howbeit, there are certain characters they all exhibit which make them standout. These traits can be developed and cultivated through self discipline, motivation and dedication.

Trait1-They are resolute
Once they made up their mind to get a thing done, no matter the impossibilities, they fight hard to get it done. Determination is their driving force. Great achievers are die hard people with a strong spirit that can not be easily broken down.

Trait2- They believe in themselves and in what they do
Every great successful people don’t fear if they will fail because they believe they achieve success. They don’t doubt their ability. They also believe in very much in what they do. do it as if their life depends on it.

Trait3- They take responsibility and are responsible
They don’t trade blames nor point fingers; they take responsibility for everything that happens. A team was given a task and the course of executing the task, a major error occurred, the group leader in his presentation told the board that they all were responsible for the mistake. The board insisted that the person working in that section at that moment should be named and should be made to go in for it. The leader was very resolute and adamant in providing the person he said if anyone should be punished they all should be punished. He was issued a query at the end he was commended, admonished and promoted for the good spirit of leadership he showed. If you must achieve greatness, be responsible; integrity will take you there and sustain you there..

Trait4- They welcome failure but learn lessons from it
The fear of failure is a good start to failure. They fail several time though not deliberately, it is in the course of discovering and trying to do the right thing. Howbeit, whenever they fall they rise, pick some thing up and try never to repeat such mistake.

Trait5-They are teachable
They are humble and willing to learn from anyone who is imparting the knowledge. Being teachable is the secret to discovering new ideas.

Trait6- They don’t wait for chances, circumstances or opportunities; they create one
People fail because they think to be successful is just being lucky. Great achievers create the circumstances and avenues for greatness and success. A lucky man is one who does not depend on luck to succeed. Your potentials are for you to manipulate your environment and yield results.

Trait7- They are goal getters
They make goals and work hard to get it. In Nigeria today, in the banking sector, they are always given a monthly and yearly targets; if you meet up with them you get promotion if you can’t you may face probation or face redundancy that you may be sacked. They set target and when they meet it, they set a higher target.

Trait8- They don’t give up easily
They may fail, they may sometimes not meet up with their desired goals but they keep going, making modalities to improve and get better results. They fight till the end.

Trait9- They are voracious readers
The problem with most African political leaders is that they don’t read that is one of the things that is accounting for the poor leadership style and impoverishment facing the continent. Readers are leaders; you can’t take a lead in the path of greatness if you are not a voracious reader.   Great achievers always seek new information, ideas and knowledge.

Trait10- They always find a way out
They get fulfillment when they solve problems, unravel puzzles and simplify difficult situation. If there is a problem they always find a way out to solve it and they don’t leave anything undone.

If you want to be great and arrive at stardom then start today, develop these traits work on yourself. The largest room in the world is the room for personal development but it is the less populated room ever. People are always comfortable in where they are. Dare to improve.

You are few steps away from success, just aply the right attitude

Saturday, September 14, 2013

6 keys To Attaining Greatness

Discover your purpose
No one is an accident, or born that way. The process of conceiving a child may be wrong or bad but there is never a bad child. Everyone born into this world is sent by God and to fulfill a purpose. Now the issue is how do you discover your purpose? If you can work within your purpose it will be very difficult to live a life

below the ordinary. In discovering purpose you may find out from your Maker, you should be born again, discover what you like doing and derive joy from, find out what you can you fix, think on what your passion is. If purpose is not known abuse can not be avoided. Now tailor your aspiration, dreams, desire and ambition toward achieving that purpose.

Discover your goals
What are your dreams? Your goals in life lies in the dream you dream so don’t be afraid to dream big. The good thing about dream is that you must not have a bank account first before you can dream it is absolutely free. Dream one dream yet another let all your dream and aspiration geared towards fulfilling destiny. Don’t be afraid to start small remember that it is a drop of water that makes a mighty ocean just start because the best way to start is to start. List your goals according to your scale of preference, don’t expose your dream


make it part of your private life so that you will not get discouraged by dream killers. While dreaming forget about your present circumstance or pass failure it will distract you, if you have failed before don’t give up just keep trying, people might not understand your goals don’t worry when they start seeing result they will have no choice than to celebrate you, so please don’t allow any body to discourage you.

Stay away from contentious people
They will slow down your speed because you will find it hard to get along with them, they can hardly agree to your dream they just find away to oppose your suggestions, those people are not willing to help you when you fall, and in fact they will even prefer that you fall. Don’t share your dream with them because they will

not help to keep it secret rather they go ahead and start mocking you with people that don’t understand what it means to dream. Contentious people are dream killer run very far from them. I remember the story of a Pastor who told his Friends that within a year he will be a million naira richer. “How can you, are going to rob a bank or do magic”, but not for long less than a year he was more than what he dreamt.

Organize yourself
One of the secrets of champions is been organized, as a man or woman of purpose don’t do things any how make sure your house, cloths, shoes and everything around you is perfectly arranged. You can only be comfortable if you are properly arranged, if you are disorganized, it may distract you. Being organized will

help you to know the order at which things should follow. Reorganize your environment in such a way that it will welcome your dreams; make sure your surrounding is very comfortable because this will go a long way in affecting your reasoning. Carry yourself like a champion that you are and see how easy things can be.

What you have to do, do quickly
Procrastination is a killer of time, a man of goal don’t play with time, do what you are suppose to do today and don’t carry t over the next day. Be wise the way you use your time, read books on time management. If

you think to leave it till tomorrow, then think to leave it till eternity for tomorrow may never come.

Focus on tomorrow
Don’t contaminate your future with your past failure. Let what has happened in the past be in the past don’t consult your past to decide your present. Don’t stay close to things or persons that remind you of your past. Look forward to your greater glory ahead of you. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed, failure

brings out the best in a man, when you fall stand up dust yourself and keep on moving. Every man makes mistake no man is perfect so don’t be afraid or discouraged when mistakes arise. Know that winners are risk takers and every risk taker is ready to face anything he meets on his way to greatness. Hay! See you at the top. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Etiquette Tips 1 - Dressing And Table Mannerism

Dressing Mannerism For Interview And Business Professional Conservative Environment

I once met a young man on his way to an interview. He was dressed in red strips shirt. This is not really appropriate the way you appear for the first time is a serious factor of employability. So dressing appropriately is a major and one of the most essential tools.

First impressions greatly influence the hiring decision of any prospective employer; the manner in which employees present themselves can make a crucial difference. The important aspects of business etiquette are professional dress and table manners. Dressing right and eating with good manners are essential to the job interview processes. The following are some tips to help take the helm of your way through the rules of etiquette.

Dressing For Your First Impression- Interview Attire
Poor personal appearance at an interview is a major factor that can lead to the rejection of job seekers.
You most dress to project an image of professionalism in the mind of your employer. Let your dressing reflect your knowledge of the type of job for which you are applying

Good appearance adds confidence, knowing full well that confidence is essential to the making of positive impression.

You can not be smarter than the way you dress. Like the saying goes “you are addressed the way you are dressed.”

Tips For Men’s Interview Attire
Suit - Solid color; navy blue, dark grey or charcoal grey.

Shirt- Long sleeve shirt-white or coordinated

Belt- black belt or coordinated with the color of the shoe

Socks- dark or conservative coordinated with trousers.

Leather shoes- black or dark.

Jewelry- no jewelries but wedding ring is allowed.

Tie to match, silk tie preferably.

Portfolio or briefcase is recommendable.

Hair, Skin and nails – Neatly trimmed nail and beards; hair should be clean and neatly combed. Facial hair should be groomed and trimmed. Neat professional hairstyle will do the magic. Tattoos can be unprofessional so cover them

Women’s Interview Attire
Navy blue or dark grew suit

Coordinated blouse

The suit skirt should be long enough so that you can sit down comfortably

Conservative leather shoes

Limited jewelry no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets

Neutral Pantyhose and Neutral-colored stockings to match or compliment skin tone.

Light make-up and perfume

Portfolio or briefcase for being professional.

Hair, nail and Makeup – Professional hairstyle; hair should be natural color, or at least should look natural. Wear longer hair pulled away from your face. Neatly manicure and clean nails. Go light on makeup and avoid perfume. No exposure of tattoos.

ShoesMedium to low heeled push, no open toes, shoes in black, navy, light brown, or dark brown leather. Shoe color should match or be darker than hemline.

Avoid sexy attire

Sample attire for male and female

Table mannerism- Dos and Don’ts
Table manners are very important not just for the sake of interview but for all formal occasion. My pastor once told us a story how they were to be sent abroad and after all the aptitude test, the final test was the dinner party. The told them that the party was a send off party unknowing to them the dinner party was the last test. Guess what he was disqualified because he has no idea about eating etiquette. Here are some dos and don’ts of table manners. I guess they will help.

Make sure everybody is ready to sit before you sit
Wait for the prayers
Sit up fairly straight
Keep your mouth covered while eating
Cut meat with knife and eat with fork
Keep your mouth covered while eating
Keep your elbows in and in check
Spread your napkin on your lap when you are seated
Large dinner napkins are half-folded, small napkins opened full-size
At the end of the meal, leave the napkin semi-folded at the left side of the place
Wait until all are served before beginning to eat
Use the silverware farthest from your plate first
Pass to the right
Only cut one or two small pieces of meat at a time
Cut fish with fork remove bones with knife
Eat in small bites and slowly
Sip tea
In placing orders do it politely
Place used flatware on the dish to which it belongs
Replace your chair after the meal
Leave your napkin on the back of your chair if you leave the table
When finished eating, lay the knife and fork close together with the fork on the left, tines up, knife on the right with cutting edge facing the fork at 5:20 as if the plate were the face of a clock

Talk while chewing
Show fast and noisy
Place elbows on table while eating or at you neighbor’s ribs
Wipe off your flatware before eating
Reach in front of a person to help yourself
Help yourself from a dish first
Bow down over the plate as you eat
Blow on food to cool it
Put your purse on the table
Drink with food in your mouth or drink tea with food
Push your chair back after the meal and sit sideways or with legs crossed  
Dip your food like bread into tea
Heap your dishes
Chew crackers in your soup
Click your spoon with your teeth
Make noise with other cutleries
Stretch yourself across the plate when you want to serve yourself
Always make a scene if you find a strand of hair in your meal or unwanted substance
Butter your bread on both sides
Leave the table with tooth pick
Allow others see what  is in your mouth and spray food particles on others

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