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Monday, September 16, 2013

Success Trait-10 Traits of great achievers

Successful people have certain trait in common, no matter their field of endeavor: academic, sport, entertainment, movie, entrepreneurship and business just to mention but a few. There may be some distinguishable differences in their character and some of these winners are more renown than some others howbeit, there are certain characters they all exhibit which make them standout. These traits can be developed and cultivated through self discipline, motivation and dedication.

Trait1-They are resolute
Once they made up their mind to get a thing done, no matter the impossibilities, they fight hard to get it done. Determination is their driving force. Great achievers are die hard people with a strong spirit that can not be easily broken down.

Trait2- They believe in themselves and in what they do
Every great successful people don’t fear if they will fail because they believe they achieve success. They don’t doubt their ability. They also believe in very much in what they do. do it as if their life depends on it.

Trait3- They take responsibility and are responsible
They don’t trade blames nor point fingers; they take responsibility for everything that happens. A team was given a task and the course of executing the task, a major error occurred, the group leader in his presentation told the board that they all were responsible for the mistake. The board insisted that the person working in that section at that moment should be named and should be made to go in for it. The leader was very resolute and adamant in providing the person he said if anyone should be punished they all should be punished. He was issued a query at the end he was commended, admonished and promoted for the good spirit of leadership he showed. If you must achieve greatness, be responsible; integrity will take you there and sustain you there..

Trait4- They welcome failure but learn lessons from it
The fear of failure is a good start to failure. They fail several time though not deliberately, it is in the course of discovering and trying to do the right thing. Howbeit, whenever they fall they rise, pick some thing up and try never to repeat such mistake.

Trait5-They are teachable
They are humble and willing to learn from anyone who is imparting the knowledge. Being teachable is the secret to discovering new ideas.

Trait6- They don’t wait for chances, circumstances or opportunities; they create one
People fail because they think to be successful is just being lucky. Great achievers create the circumstances and avenues for greatness and success. A lucky man is one who does not depend on luck to succeed. Your potentials are for you to manipulate your environment and yield results.

Trait7- They are goal getters
They make goals and work hard to get it. In Nigeria today, in the banking sector, they are always given a monthly and yearly targets; if you meet up with them you get promotion if you can’t you may face probation or face redundancy that you may be sacked. They set target and when they meet it, they set a higher target.

Trait8- They don’t give up easily
They may fail, they may sometimes not meet up with their desired goals but they keep going, making modalities to improve and get better results. They fight till the end.

Trait9- They are voracious readers
The problem with most African political leaders is that they don’t read that is one of the things that is accounting for the poor leadership style and impoverishment facing the continent. Readers are leaders; you can’t take a lead in the path of greatness if you are not a voracious reader.   Great achievers always seek new information, ideas and knowledge.

Trait10- They always find a way out
They get fulfillment when they solve problems, unravel puzzles and simplify difficult situation. If there is a problem they always find a way out to solve it and they don’t leave anything undone.

If you want to be great and arrive at stardom then start today, develop these traits work on yourself. The largest room in the world is the room for personal development but it is the less populated room ever. People are always comfortable in where they are. Dare to improve.

You are few steps away from success, just aply the right attitude

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