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Monday, September 30, 2013

How To Be Successful In School

Whatever you do make sure you get the best out it. You academic is not an exception. In achieving Excellent in school, you have follow strickly the following salient points.

Eliminate distractions
Schooling requires great attention. Many students when they get into school, they feel that it is an escape from home and freedom from parental legitimantion and so they are carried away into lots of wrong practices and relationships. Once I was told how a fresher asked one of my student for a relationship. The Said girl is under 18 yet she felt is time to go into romance. Well if you ask me I will tell you that your time in school is time to build career and not relationship.

No matter the circumstances arround you, just make sure you focus on your studies and shurn every distraction. Even if you don't have money or sponsor and things seems difficult, just work on how you can scale through school and don't be troubled, things will naturally fall in place if you play your role.

Get the right attitude towards your school.
A girl once said that she doesn't like her school; such attitude can make you perform poorly don't do what you don't like. As long as you are there, then you must love where you are. Just find a way to love it.

Some students wanted a particular course but the institution gave them a different thing entirely. Some times it may be you find yourself in situations you can not handle, all i am saying is that don't allow anything discourage you, keep doing the right thing.

Always encourage yourself to succeed
David encouraged himself in the Lord when there was no one to encourage him. Many a time it seems you are alone. Yes loneliness may set in some times but all you need to do is to encourage yourself like david. There is no path in life that is easy or simple. The person you are looking upto may also have some problems to face.

A boy told me how his uncle refused to help him with just 2 thousand naira (about $12 ) so he can do certain registration in school so he can take exams and the uncled turned him down completely not that he was not having rather in his presence he commenced a project of over a hundred times of what he asked for. In fact the uncle walked him out. I told him boy you need to encourage yourself whenever your down.

Be organized and be composed
If you are always disorganized, you can't get it right. You need a calm and cleen atmosphere to assimilate. Make sure you plan each day in school, don't rush or wait till die minutes before you do assignments and projects. do the right thing at the right time.

Remember a tree can not make a forest
Meet people to explain things you don't understand, no matter how small the person may be.Get reading partners, you can even form a resding group. No one can succeed alone you will certainly need help some times.

Set targets
If you don't have target you may not know if you are lagging behind or not performing to expectations. Set a tardet and run after it. Make sure you meet up with it.

Hard work
Hard work is the way out; all great men in history are all hard workers. So if you must do well in school, you must go the extra miles. Don't stop at where others stoped always be ahead of everyone.

Rest, play and excercise
When you have worked then take a time out to rest, play and excercise. The body needs rest so you don't worked yourself out and face breakdown. You need to keep fit and healthy, you need the body to succeed.

Eat well
Eat when you are supposed to eat, eat right avoid constipation or starvation. Have the right eating habit. You need food to keep you strong and healthy for the task.

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