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Monday, October 7, 2013

Sound Management Of Resources

Resources are those things that can aid in achieving an aim. Resources may some sort of qualities some one has which help them handle difficult situation and realize results. Resources may be tangible and intangible. The intangible resources such as courage, intelligence, strong imaginative ability, honesty, etc. are not always consider but are as a matter of fact most important. The tangible resources such as money, buildings, land, and people are not as important as the intangibles. It requires the intangible to manage the tangible. For instance, if you don’t deal with people in honesty you will quickly fizzle out as soon as they realize that you can not be trusted. So you see for one to emerge as a champion he has to learn to develop more of these intangible resources and so as to remain a champion he has to live with and by them.

However I will want to discourse some of these resources mostly available to man. There is no one person who has nothing and no one person who has everything. Don’t cry or complain for what you don’t have focus on what you have to build, develop and get what you don’t have.

         -          How do you manage your time?
         -          Where do you spend your time?
         -          Who do you give your time to?
         -          What profit have you gotten from the use of your time?
         -          Are you willing to use your time well?


Time is life and time also is money they say. Most cases of poverty are the product of the misuse of time and wastage of life proportioned to time.

Lots of people sleep away their future instead of the proper investment of time and good life style of the use of daily schedule to orchestrate their path and plan their future. Redeeming the time for the days are evil.

Mind set
         -          What do you fill your mind with?
         -          Do you work on your mentality or perspective of thing around you?
         -          What do you imagine or what comes into your realm of thought?
         -          How do you improve on the power of the insight or the use of the eyes of the mind?
         -          How fast do you handle situations in your mind?

Our senses are the most important gift of nature but the virtue of the mind is far more treasured. Paint a mental picture of your desire; if it is real in your mind then it will certainly come to your mind. Problems are first solved mentally before they can actually be tackled.

         -          How do you plan you spending or you don’t at all?   
         -          Do you despise the little you have?
         -          Do you spend all you have?
         -          Do you appreciate what you have?
         -          How do you work out your earnings?
         -          What are you doing to improve on your income?

Poverty is not a function of money but of mentality and poor management of the money in our hand. What you do with small you do with much.You don't get big to manage well but you manage well to get big.

Power/Influence/Treasure within/Skills/Talents/Potentials/Vision
         -          Do you acknowledge that God gave us equal opportunity and no exceptions?
         -          Have you worked on your potentials and have you acquire extra skills?
         -          Have discovered the extent of great powers, influences, strong will to do and undo?
         -          How do work on yourself to appreciate or you don’t?
         -          Do you feel any drive within you or can you make up some?
         -          How do you respond to stimulus?
         -          Do you have appetite to develop new skills and grow?

God has put this treasure in earthen vessel that we be career of his likeness in creativity, productivity and in hallucination.

         -          Do you value self improvement trough learning and reading?
         -          Do you invest on acquiring knowledge?
         -          Do you acknowledge that training is just the only way to get improved?
         -          Where have you stop in education?
         -          How much information do you have in what you do?

What you don’t know is bigger than you and will ever be a slave to it. You can only be freed by the amount you insight you have.

People around you
         -          Who are your friends?
         -          How do you involve those around in you adventure?
         -          Of what importance are you to people’s dream?
         -          Are you a builder or a destroyer?

The best gift from God is man and that is why he is mindful of man. Learn to make use of those around you. Good friends and good counsel are inseparable.

Learn to make the best use of man and be careful the way you speak or talk about your vision and goals to people.  

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