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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Power Of Focus - The Driving Force

The need of focus

In order to be a front runner in any worthy endeavor, focus is a core value you must possess. It is one thing to discover where you belong and it is another thing to stay on it. When you are committed to business you will eventually stand out. Running here and there leads to nowhere.

Matthew 6; 22 says, ‘’if your eyes be single your body shall be full of light’’ single here means focus. Thus light comes if you are focused on your assignment. Focus is a formidable force in your journey to leadership. Identify where you belong, embrace it, and stay there (focus).

Focus is the missing thing in our career today. You can never find a professor in any university who is professing in all fields. You can never hear of a popular general medical practitioner all over the world. When you operate as general anything, you dissolve into insignificant towards many directions. What you will hear is about a well known surgeon, gynecologist, pediatrician etc. It means a person may have knowledge of other things but he focuses on something. He is called a specialist.

A general practitioner cannot be a specialist. If you are a jack of all trade you will end up a master of none. If you belong to one thing please proudly stay there. Do not be ashamed. If you are a carpenter please stay focused and you will soon become the carpenter. The force of focus is the flight to the top.

If you are not focused on your career everybody around you will soon leave. If you are a trader and you are running here and there your business will soon lose value. Think of a tailor who is not focused; every time village meeting, political meeting, burial etc. Would you still go to him? A lawyer too who hardly stays in his chamber; every time family meeting etc To become a first class citizen of this world (I don’t mean a local champion) you must be focused.

1Kings 20; 39-40 (the man who lost a captive entrusted to his care in a war because he was going about here and there). Here and there never makes anything happen but failure. Distractions are side attractions seeking your attention to divert your course from distinction. A student cannot make good grades without focus.  

Do one thing to the point where it merges with your name example; if I say Coca Cola, without thinking Mineral drink comes to your mind. If I say Julius Berger, without any stress Construction comes to your mind. If I say Bill Gates, without thinking computer comes to your mind. What if I mention any of this great men (Adegboye; Benny Hinns; Oyedepo) what immediately comes to your mind? No wonder Jesus says that one thing is needful.  Don’t say I am a General Contractor. I guess it’s only in Nigeria that we have General Contractors.


      ·         Nothing will ever become dynamic until it first becomes specific.
      ·         At the root of every successful venture is focus.

      ·         It is your level of focus on your assignment that would determine your level of placement on earth.

      ·         Focus is to be totally committed or absolved in a particular assignment.

      ·         Focus is the ability to look unwaveringly at your purpose and assignment without distractions.

      ·         Nobody can scale great heights scattering himself in different directions.

      ·         Focus is simply consistently staying stubbornly on your assignment until it produces positive results.

      ·         If you do not get result you get insult and the only way to get result is to stay focused.

      ·         The world is tired of your explanations; they want to see your result.

      ·         A man of focus would never lack outstanding result.

      ·         Lack of focus would turn your destiny to that of a locus!
      ·         If you do not focus on your assignment then you become like a man in the asylum.

     ·         Focus creates a platform for manifestation and manifestation makes you a center of attraction which               compels massive attention in your favor.

     ·         One of the greatest killers of destiny is distraction (broken focus).

     ·         If you allow your vision to suffer division it would end in delusion.
     ·     Jesus came to fulfill one singular assignment. In John 18; 37 He says; ‘’for this cause came I into the             world.’’ He did not come for these causes.

     ·       ......In 2Timothy 4; 7 Paul says; ‘’ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my cause, I have kept the            faith.’’ Paul did not talk about his cause.

     ·         If you are distracted you will be limited.

Enemies of focus

Wrong ambition mixed with vision
Peter went back to fishing. Paul left the gentiles for the Jews haven’t been called for the gentiles.
Ambition is what you want while vision is what God wants you to do.

Some African Pastors in European countries mostly do not have churches with more than three hundred members because they mix wrong ambition with vision. Almost all of them are Pastors and car dealers at the same time.

However, there is a focused Nigerian Pastor in Ukraine and he Pastors a congregation of about five thousand people in a massively white dominated environment.

A great man would start witness a nose diving effect when they start mixing ambition with vision.
Mixing ambition with vision is like mixing water and oil and expecting them to blend.

Your ambition would be a strong tool of distraction that Satan would constantly use against you. Most people want quick money and there is no quick money in God’s kingdom. You must patiently follow the principles.

Many people are pursuing two rabbits at the same time and they end up catching none. You hardly know anybody for two things.

That is how they came to Jesus in John 6 with the intention of breaking His focus by making Him a King But Jesus maintained His focus and the result of His focus is even more radiant all over the world more than two thousand years after He ascended to glory.

It is not every good thing that comes your way that is from God. Not every good thing is for you to do. You only do every right thing according to your vision.

Many destinies are wasted because of wrong interest. You will have to consciously watch your interest so that your assignment can be preserved and given the utmost attention that it deserves.

Wrong company
·         It isn’t everybody at the Motor park or Airport that is travelling.

·         If you go to any airport there are people who know all the flight but they have not travelled on any.

·         It is not everybody in business that is going somewhere.

·         If you follow people who are going nowhere then you end up nowhere.

·         This is why Proverbs 13; 20 says; ‘’he that walketh with the wise would be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.’’

·         Proverbs 27; 17 also makes it clear that iron sharpens iron. Wood can never sharpen iron. Friendship is not by force, it is by choice.

      Ignorance of the packages of your assignment
·         Inside every assignment there is a consignment and inside every vision there is a provision.

·      Your true provision is only found in your vision. Sadly many of us believe we just have to do something to help God. Uzziah tried it and died. You are too small to help God. If what you are doing is what God wants you to do (vision) then remember the question Jesus asked His disciples; ‘’when I sent you lacked you anything?’’

Fear of the unknown can actual sway people from the pursuit of their goal. Taking bold step in the midst of uncertainty, can actual make one face his course in life. This is why people break their investment into fragments hoping that if one fails the other will succeed. That is living life to chance and luck.

·         Fear is an inhibitor of success, if you fear to fail, you actual have failed.

·         No tangible progress in the midst of skepticism

·         Failure to remain focused is focusing on failure.

·         The destination of people who always doubt their potentiality is sure failure.

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