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Friday, October 18, 2013

Putting destiny on course – The Place Of Vision In Achieving Goals

Vision is having the sense of the future – a strong imaginative ability to picture the path of the future; planning and designing it to fit or suite a pattern in the mind. Vision is the strong use of the mind to look beyond the ordinary and see what becomes of the nearest and farthest future. God told Abraham to lift up his eyes to look and as far as he can see him God will give him; Abraham looked but this time not with the physical eyes but with the eyes of vision. You need not be told of the result of that visionary look of Abraham.
How to create a clear visionary sight
Empty your head knowledge and look beyond reality – from all scientific proof and evidence it may seems impossible but just empty yourself of the head knowledge and believe in the possibility of things. Abraham was old and well stricken in age but he look beyond that and see himself becoming the father of many nations. Create a clear picture of what you want and walk and work towards it will manifest. If you don’t like the world around you, you can indeed create another world around you where things are possible and you dreams are guaranteed.
Have a clear definition of what you want – a friend of mine in those who wants to be a great preacher but his weakness of being easily drawn away by ladies was not curtailed, he eventually impregnated a lady hustle mate and his schooling ended. He became an emergency father. What you want should be more salient to other things.
Separate from the crowed and stand out – you can’t see clear if you are not out of your comfort zone and out of the multitude. When God called Abraham, he called him apart and asked him to look. You can only see clearly when you are alone. Sometimes take time out of where everyone is, withdraw to view properly. I’m not saying you should go to some mountain or a wilderness, you may if you want to but I’m saying always learn to have a ground to stand differently from the grounds others are standing.
Resolve to make impart – if you are living your life hoping you will be lucky one day, be ready for an empty harvest because you have sown nothing but emptiness. If your desire is to transform humanity and impart people be sure you dream right and see clearly what you want and where you will be in the future times.
Vision enhance the following
Focus – when you have vision you stay tuned
Increase in zeal – when you have vision you run tirelessly.
Elimination of waste – people waste time, energy, resources, purpose and other valuable article to manifest destiny. But vision eliminates waste and enhances effectiveness.
Guarantee of glorious future – what you don’t visualize will not manifest and even if it does, it may not stand the test of time. Most great men in history have a powerful focal lens of vision.
Complete Elimination of insults – no matter the delay vision will bring result and insult will be completely wiped out.
Total acceptance when the vision scale through – the truth is that with strong desire and resilience vision will yield true result and when that happens those who rejected you before will help to sing your praise. Result breaks protocols.
Hindrances to vision
Your past – past failures can really tire you down; leave your past in the grave
Stigma/background – this may bring low self esteem and short sight you from seeing the true picture of the future.
Short term/pressing needs – if you think of what you will eat or get now you will certainly lose you visionary strength. Esau despised his birth right because of hunger but when he needed it was gone.
Fear of failure – the fear of failure is the best way to fail. If you want to fail, simply fear to fail. If you don’t risk anything you risk everything.
Complacence – too satisfied with one thing and ignoring thrusting further will blind fold you from living fulfilled. Keep reaching out in vision. Complacent about progress will hinder progress.
Complaisance – try to please everybody not having your stand; running with other people’s vision.
Make the vision plane; spell out you plans – proverb 16 :1

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