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Monday, October 14, 2013

Good Marketing Skills

A good marketer is someone who is good at persuading; making people to patronize certain goods at a particular time even if they don’t want to buy at that time. a good marketer is the leader who knows how to sell into the heart of the people.

Must bankers I have meet in the course of my work with students around Nigerian higher institutions; I have always noticed some sort of vacuum and certain lapses in skill and presentations. Some times, some are just excellent and some times some are close to not well trained. So this article will help build the right trait of qualitative and quantitative marketing and instill good culture of marketing in you.

Keys to become a good marketer

Key1 – Be out spoken and courageous: speak good English, be admirable and well polished.

Key2 – Learn to capture the audience: know how to buy their mind. Get their attention without stress. So first impression makes a lot of difference-if you can’t get their attention at first you may struggle through out.

Key3 – Be proud of what you do and be authoritative: we are not saying you should be disrespectful or show arrogance rather polite yet firm and appealing.

Key4 – Developing convincing techniques: you should be able to make them patronize your product. Make them see the need; your power is in your tongue use it well.

Key5 – Develop good communication skill: eloquence is a sharp razor, good command of language is s great assets, but good communication skill is all you need to get at the heart of your customers or audience.

Key6 – Wear amiable disposition: learn to smile, don’t slouch, scowl and learn to be lively at all times. Don’t let your failures, shame fears and doubts show in what you do.

Key7 – Learn good manners and etiquette: you may not know who is watching; remember winning the people’s approval is all you need to sell. So show good manners – table, dressing, conversation, handling complement etc.

Key8 – Know how to make good and effective use of time: be time conscious and know when the ovation is high and leave the scene.

Key9 – Have a target: having a target is one, achieving it is another thing. So you must work modalities to get at the target.

Key10 – Develop positive mind set of your product: the way you see your product is the way the product is. So be optimistic and a fanatic of your own belief.

Key11 – Improve on you selling skills and selling speed every day: since you must set new target other than the previous one, so you must improve on your skills and speedy. So you have to be hard working and strong.

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