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Saturday, September 14, 2013

6 keys To Attaining Greatness

Discover your purpose
No one is an accident, or born that way. The process of conceiving a child may be wrong or bad but there is never a bad child. Everyone born into this world is sent by God and to fulfill a purpose. Now the issue is how do you discover your purpose? If you can work within your purpose it will be very difficult to live a life

below the ordinary. In discovering purpose you may find out from your Maker, you should be born again, discover what you like doing and derive joy from, find out what you can you fix, think on what your passion is. If purpose is not known abuse can not be avoided. Now tailor your aspiration, dreams, desire and ambition toward achieving that purpose.

Discover your goals
What are your dreams? Your goals in life lies in the dream you dream so don’t be afraid to dream big. The good thing about dream is that you must not have a bank account first before you can dream it is absolutely free. Dream one dream yet another let all your dream and aspiration geared towards fulfilling destiny. Don’t be afraid to start small remember that it is a drop of water that makes a mighty ocean just start because the best way to start is to start. List your goals according to your scale of preference, don’t expose your dream


make it part of your private life so that you will not get discouraged by dream killers. While dreaming forget about your present circumstance or pass failure it will distract you, if you have failed before don’t give up just keep trying, people might not understand your goals don’t worry when they start seeing result they will have no choice than to celebrate you, so please don’t allow any body to discourage you.

Stay away from contentious people
They will slow down your speed because you will find it hard to get along with them, they can hardly agree to your dream they just find away to oppose your suggestions, those people are not willing to help you when you fall, and in fact they will even prefer that you fall. Don’t share your dream with them because they will

not help to keep it secret rather they go ahead and start mocking you with people that don’t understand what it means to dream. Contentious people are dream killer run very far from them. I remember the story of a Pastor who told his Friends that within a year he will be a million naira richer. “How can you, are going to rob a bank or do magic”, but not for long less than a year he was more than what he dreamt.

Organize yourself
One of the secrets of champions is been organized, as a man or woman of purpose don’t do things any how make sure your house, cloths, shoes and everything around you is perfectly arranged. You can only be comfortable if you are properly arranged, if you are disorganized, it may distract you. Being organized will

help you to know the order at which things should follow. Reorganize your environment in such a way that it will welcome your dreams; make sure your surrounding is very comfortable because this will go a long way in affecting your reasoning. Carry yourself like a champion that you are and see how easy things can be.

What you have to do, do quickly
Procrastination is a killer of time, a man of goal don’t play with time, do what you are suppose to do today and don’t carry t over the next day. Be wise the way you use your time, read books on time management. If

you think to leave it till tomorrow, then think to leave it till eternity for tomorrow may never come.

Focus on tomorrow
Don’t contaminate your future with your past failure. Let what has happened in the past be in the past don’t consult your past to decide your present. Don’t stay close to things or persons that remind you of your past. Look forward to your greater glory ahead of you. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed, failure

brings out the best in a man, when you fall stand up dust yourself and keep on moving. Every man makes mistake no man is perfect so don’t be afraid or discouraged when mistakes arise. Know that winners are risk takers and every risk taker is ready to face anything he meets on his way to greatness. Hay! See you at the top. Enjoy.

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