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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Etiquette Tips 1 - Dressing And Table Mannerism

Dressing Mannerism For Interview And Business Professional Conservative Environment

I once met a young man on his way to an interview. He was dressed in red strips shirt. This is not really appropriate the way you appear for the first time is a serious factor of employability. So dressing appropriately is a major and one of the most essential tools.

First impressions greatly influence the hiring decision of any prospective employer; the manner in which employees present themselves can make a crucial difference. The important aspects of business etiquette are professional dress and table manners. Dressing right and eating with good manners are essential to the job interview processes. The following are some tips to help take the helm of your way through the rules of etiquette.

Dressing For Your First Impression- Interview Attire
Poor personal appearance at an interview is a major factor that can lead to the rejection of job seekers.
You most dress to project an image of professionalism in the mind of your employer. Let your dressing reflect your knowledge of the type of job for which you are applying

Good appearance adds confidence, knowing full well that confidence is essential to the making of positive impression.

You can not be smarter than the way you dress. Like the saying goes “you are addressed the way you are dressed.”

Tips For Men’s Interview Attire
Suit - Solid color; navy blue, dark grey or charcoal grey.

Shirt- Long sleeve shirt-white or coordinated

Belt- black belt or coordinated with the color of the shoe

Socks- dark or conservative coordinated with trousers.

Leather shoes- black or dark.

Jewelry- no jewelries but wedding ring is allowed.

Tie to match, silk tie preferably.

Portfolio or briefcase is recommendable.

Hair, Skin and nails – Neatly trimmed nail and beards; hair should be clean and neatly combed. Facial hair should be groomed and trimmed. Neat professional hairstyle will do the magic. Tattoos can be unprofessional so cover them

Women’s Interview Attire
Navy blue or dark grew suit

Coordinated blouse

The suit skirt should be long enough so that you can sit down comfortably

Conservative leather shoes

Limited jewelry no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets

Neutral Pantyhose and Neutral-colored stockings to match or compliment skin tone.

Light make-up and perfume

Portfolio or briefcase for being professional.

Hair, nail and Makeup – Professional hairstyle; hair should be natural color, or at least should look natural. Wear longer hair pulled away from your face. Neatly manicure and clean nails. Go light on makeup and avoid perfume. No exposure of tattoos.

ShoesMedium to low heeled push, no open toes, shoes in black, navy, light brown, or dark brown leather. Shoe color should match or be darker than hemline.

Avoid sexy attire

Sample attire for male and female

Table mannerism- Dos and Don’ts
Table manners are very important not just for the sake of interview but for all formal occasion. My pastor once told us a story how they were to be sent abroad and after all the aptitude test, the final test was the dinner party. The told them that the party was a send off party unknowing to them the dinner party was the last test. Guess what he was disqualified because he has no idea about eating etiquette. Here are some dos and don’ts of table manners. I guess they will help.

Make sure everybody is ready to sit before you sit
Wait for the prayers
Sit up fairly straight
Keep your mouth covered while eating
Cut meat with knife and eat with fork
Keep your mouth covered while eating
Keep your elbows in and in check
Spread your napkin on your lap when you are seated
Large dinner napkins are half-folded, small napkins opened full-size
At the end of the meal, leave the napkin semi-folded at the left side of the place
Wait until all are served before beginning to eat
Use the silverware farthest from your plate first
Pass to the right
Only cut one or two small pieces of meat at a time
Cut fish with fork remove bones with knife
Eat in small bites and slowly
Sip tea
In placing orders do it politely
Place used flatware on the dish to which it belongs
Replace your chair after the meal
Leave your napkin on the back of your chair if you leave the table
When finished eating, lay the knife and fork close together with the fork on the left, tines up, knife on the right with cutting edge facing the fork at 5:20 as if the plate were the face of a clock

Talk while chewing
Show fast and noisy
Place elbows on table while eating or at you neighbor’s ribs
Wipe off your flatware before eating
Reach in front of a person to help yourself
Help yourself from a dish first
Bow down over the plate as you eat
Blow on food to cool it
Put your purse on the table
Drink with food in your mouth or drink tea with food
Push your chair back after the meal and sit sideways or with legs crossed  
Dip your food like bread into tea
Heap your dishes
Chew crackers in your soup
Click your spoon with your teeth
Make noise with other cutleries
Stretch yourself across the plate when you want to serve yourself
Always make a scene if you find a strand of hair in your meal or unwanted substance
Butter your bread on both sides
Leave the table with tooth pick
Allow others see what  is in your mouth and spray food particles on others

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