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Monday, April 14, 2014

Info on Family Budgeting

Family budget helps to control and manage money and helps to provide a more prudent way spending. Thus, providing a more realistic way to save and to meet up with tangible financial goals and demands. The following tips will help you achieve an outstanding family budget.
Estimate your family's income
Estimate your weekly, fortnightly, or monthly wages (after tax) plus any other income that you regularly receive. Also include money such as bonuses, income from investments, shares or interest.
Redirect your expenses towards priority
The main objective is to spend within your needs and to redirect your money toward priorities – or, better yet, dreams or what you consider germane.
Redirect your expenses towards priority
You can make it simple by harnessing the power of Excel spreadsheets, Quicken and other software programs that is if you know how to work with or knowledgeable using software notwithstanding there is nothing wrong with using a pencil and piece of paper.
Categorise your family expenses
Living expenses could be divided into two categories – Essential and discretionary.  The essential costs to list in the budget will include housing, utilities, transport, food, education, and medical expenses.
The discretionary may include goods and services that may not be necessarily essential or required but can be ignored or regulated such as takeaway food, a coffee at work, Pay TV bills, gifts and etc. then you can now create subcategory based on essential and discretionary.
Track discretionary expenses
Track discretionary expenses in specific ways, then establish realistic monthly allotments for each of them. Lots of people can not ascertain how much they spend on dining out, travel, gifts, clothing, shoes, personal care and etc. getting a track of these expenses will help create a realistic budget.
 Budget for a time Frame
Decide on a time frame for your budget - it could be weekly, monthly or yearly plan depending on the goals ahead.
Work within your income
This means you have to work out your daily or monthly income and also work out your expense on the bases of daily, monthly and otherwise. This will help you spend within and not above but having extra to save. Make sure you have justification for spending.
Plan your expense by anticipating them, and avoid impromptu buying.
Pay off your debt and avoid buying on credit
Make sure you don’t owe. And beware of the person giving you loan to buy a car when it not a necessity. When you owe pay off, debt will always bring you back into more debt and penury.
Cut down on your expenses
Try to spend less and increase savings. If your budgeting process reveals that you’re getting hit with one bill right after another, you can work out modalities down.
You can start by try predicting all your expenses for the next 30 days. Then you can make real-time adjustments as needed by shifting money from one category to another and saving more money.
Always spot out the weakness of your budget and upgrade
You can achieve by doing constant evaluation, adjustment and update.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Leadership Base Of Character

Any economical collapsed or melt down is owed to  character bankruptcy.

No great man falls or fails without first failing in character. Charecter is cardinal to any type of leadership. You can't say one thing and your character says another. Successful leadership is an offspring of formadable, tested and proven character.

The character question – lose everything but character – character is the most important asset – it is the worst lost a man can suffer- once there is character then destiny is preserved – character is the greatest liability a person can possess – you can only go up on the wings of character

Crisis of character – lecturer striving to sleep with students etc; character bankruptcy is responsible for the rot and dearth in leadership today; calculated bank frauds; behind every divorce is character lost; massive character collapse in the country has destroyed the entire system

What Is Character – it is your distinctive identity (what you are known for); it is your attitude and action in secret (who you are when no one is watching); it is your behavior under pressure (real character is defined under pressure. Everybody behaves normally when things are normal but under pressure what happens)

Importance of character

Character determines destiny - the strength of your character determines the strength of your destiny, it is impossible to have a weak character and a strong destiny, you cannot have a destiny that is bigger than your character; you are doing nothing about your destiny until you are doing something about your character.

The eagle’s example (the eagle is the king of the birds, 10,000 feet above sea level, wing to wing 9 feet, it can carry weights 3 times above its size, flying at 120 miles per hour and can see its prey which is 100 kilometers away); apart from vision, eagle has the power of vision and it does not eat corruption; compare the eagle with the vulture (they are from the same family); those who feast on corruption settle for limitation

The Lion – the lion is the king of the wild - it does not eat corruption 

Gold is also the king of metals – the value of gold is enhanced by the elimination of impurities; impurity reduces the quality of gold just as iniquity reduces quality of a destiny.

Charisma without character equals disaster; authority without integrity equals calamity.

Character makes for consistency – only a fool fires a man of character; how strong you are in character determines how long you last. Perpetuity would never occur where character is unstable.

What you loose when you lose character
·         You lose the trust and respect of others.

·         You lose the right to transfer legacies to the next generation. 

·         You lose divine direction and help.

Character boosters
·         Fear of God

·         Faithfulness

·         Contentment

·         Consistence

·         Truthfulness


·         Honesty

Understanding Leadership

The Biblical root of leadership

Authority for leadership here is the Bible, it is a reliable authority for leadership; every sound leadership principle are buried in it; it is a manual for profitable living (2Timothy 3; 13 and 16); it is a manual for maximizing destiny (Deuteronomy 28; 1-3) and a practical book to be applied (Matthew 7; 24-25). 

Leadership started in Genesis when God brought the entire animals to Adam to name and whatsoever name he called them then it was so.

Keynotes on leadership

Ø  Leadership is taking the lead and finding the path. It is not taking title or an appointment.

Ø  Setting the pace; not occupying a place or Position.

Ø  Blazing the trail; not telling the tales.

Ø  It is not occupying a seat; it is accomplishing a feat.

Ø  It is not an appointment; it is a product of one’s attainment.

Ø  It is not an endowment; it is an accomplishment.

Ø  To bear a leadership does not make you a leader.

Ø  That you are a founder does not mean you are a leader.

Ø  That you are bishop or archbishop or chief and even king does not mean you are a leader.

Ø  There is no entitlement in titles; the entitlement is in the price paid. It is in the accomplishment.

Ø  It is not occupying a position; it is making outstanding contributions.

Ø  More than 80 percent of men who changed the world aren’t politicians.

Ø  More than 80 percent of men who changed the cause of history in the world are not presidents of any country.

Ø  The subject of leadership is simply the subject of outstanding success in ones field.

Ø  The leadership era is now; an era where only leaders have the answers.

8 – Fundamental steps of leadership

Direction – locating your field; indications of direction

Vision – set target create a clear picture of what you want in the pursuits of life and enterprise.

Wisdom – how to get there; it is the capital price; acquisition and intelligible application of relevant knowledge; 1 million without knowing how is equal to failure; Wisdom is not common sense; schooling is not education, it only empowers your literacy; you are either building a library or building a mortuary

Discipline – efficient management of time, energy and resources; investing your energy appropriately; discipline determines your distinguishing; operating as demanded and not as convenient

Diligence – hard work; doing your best; only hard workers become high flyers; work your field because it will never work itself; hard work does not wear people out it is wrong work that does; if you are not a hard worker you are a life waster; hard work does not kill but laziness does

Sacrifice – going beyond your best; going the extra mile; paying the extra price; investing the extra time, energy and resources; there is nothing extra ordinary on its own but it is man’s extra ordinary input that makes it so; there is no star without a scar. The scar of every star is his sacrifice

Dedication – commitment to your course and pursuit in you endeavor is a strong step to becoming a champion in that field.

Passion/Compassion – the level of passion you have towards your call is the extent of impart you make. Most great men in history are men of great passion. If you want to heal the sick always have compassion when you see them. Men of renown impart are people of nonstop compassion.

10 Keys On How To Fulfill Dreams/Destiny In Life

Dreams are desire created in the mind of an individual; a long or short term mental picture of the future. It comprises what the person wants to become or achieve at a particular time in life. It could also be viewed as goals and ambition that are purposeful. Then when we dream sometimes it seems like mere wishes of a beggar.  There is a saying that goes thus “if wishes were hoses beggars would ride on them.” But on the contrary, it is only the wishes of beggars that can not be ridden on; the wishes of a prudent man may just be that wing he needs to fly to the place of greatness. I think one can actually ride on wishes if you make them realities. If there were no wishes how then can there be reaches? Dream is all it takes. How then can we bring these dreams into reality?

Key1- Get a dream
Dream and make sure you dream big. Create a mental picture of the future, if it is real in you heart it will one day be real in your hands. Dream one, dream yet another and while still trying to put it down dream again. It cost nothing to dream, those who fear to dream fear the possibility of actualizing it, so they think is better not thinking of any future goals, ambitions or dream. The story of Joseph makes it clear on how to dream several dreams (Gen 37:1-9).

Key2- Harmonize the dreams
When we say dream one dream yet another, we do not mean you should be zigzag; let your dreams have a confluence. Let them be complementary, geared towards achieving a unique purpose. All Joseph’s Dreams were so harmonious they were pointing towards certain purpose of Joseph’s life; becoming the set man that they all will depend on in the nearest future (Gen 37). You want to be a pilot and at the same time you want to be a politician. That may not be harmonizing enough.

Key3-Eliminate distractions
Joseph was sold into Egypt his master was found of him, he handed everything into his hands. That would have been breakthrough enough to say he has arrived but on the contrary, he was still focused; the throne was his target. Not for long his master’s wife set her eyes on him, he chose to go to prison rather than to be imprisoned by errors and lusts and pleasure of life that will attract curse and reproach. If he had yielded, he would have ended up his journey to greatness as a slave and a sex toy. Let it be clear to you on what you want and where you want to be. No man that wars entangled himself with the affairs of this world. To eliminate distraction; focus, determination and personal conviction of purpose are just the keys.

Key4- Spell it out
Make your goals clear; write them out in other of priority. Don’t begin to live life to chance and opportunity. Get a clear cut of what you want and stop living in obscurity of uncertainty. The opportunity to manifest your dream can only come if you have a clear cut of what you want.

Key5- Let your behavior shows it
The story of Rueben is still very fresh in my mind (Gen 49). He missed his destiny and that of all his generation because of his inability to overcome sexual urge or drive. He made it worse by sleeping with his father’s wife. He has all the credentials (Gen 49:3 …..Excellency of dignity and the Excellency of power) but he had no credibility. If you want to be great then you must act like one. Everyone has weaknesses there is no super human, but hay, in the midst of all that you must work it out and let your dream reflect on your character. Imagine a pastor, Deacon, Church member who sleeps around and commit immorality with church girls or guys and yet wants to get results, it is not possible.

Key6- Locate people of like mind or people that will help lift you up
Jonathan was a friend of David in 1Sam23:16; Jonathan helped David to find strength in God. Your friends should be vision helper and not killers. Moses has his father-in-law to help him handle the Israelites. His advice helped at a time he needed it most.

Key7- Locate wise men, successful men, and great men in the field of your endeavor
It is good to emulate men of outstanding character and quality, learn their success story. That will help a long way. In any facet of life or path you are threading or want to thread, there are people who have gone through it before. It is better you learn from their experiences. Sometimes they may have written their experiences down in books or/and tapes. If you can get close to them or make them your mentor even If it is going to be from a distance it is going to help live the desire dream. Joshua was servant of Mosses whose follower are you or you just want to be made on your own?

Key8- Work towards it and work it out
Plan on how you can achieve it and make sure you achieve it. It may take time and attention; give it all it takes to make it come through. In doing this you have to pray, plan, strategize, endure, work hard and work smart.  Be willing to start small. People want to get rich over night and most time they die over night. Dream is not a get rich affair it is perseverance, persistence and all it takes (that which we have discussed) to get your desire to come to light. You may be rich yet unfulfilled. But you can not be fulfilled yet not be rich.

Key9- Be flexible, correctable, approachable and reliable
Some people are unnecessarily rigid, it is good to be firm but be flexible. Learn to take correction because that is one of the ways you can improve in what you do. Always be available to carry out your assignment and responsibility. Although David was not recognized by his siblings, he was always about his assignment no doubt that attests for his recommendations by God himself (1Samuel 16:1-13).   

Key10- Be ready to interpret the dreams of others

Joseph could interpret his dreams; he knew what was up for him in the future so it was no news he was willing to follow it. But he came to stardom only when he interprets the dream of his fellows in his prison house. Invest in the life of people around you. Help them stand to their feet, their rising may be you chance to living your dream
Go ahead live your dream it is your destiny you can make it happen. Cheers!

Essential Money Skills

It has been established by lots of speakers that poverty is not the lack of money but the squat of ideas; money making ideas. Even the best ideas in the world are worthless if they are not put into use. Wealth creating ideas when properly invested and put to use will certainly put money in your purse. So, perpetual lack of money is a big signpost of poverty.

Handling money
There are three perspectives of handling money; making money, multiply money and managing money.

Making money
If you are not getting then is your problem; maybe you lack implementation of ideas or you lack personal motivation, it does not necessarily take money to make money all you need it to do the right thing. To make money:

You must eliminate I can’t – the only thing you can not do is that one you think you can not do. See that you accomplish great task and becoming a front liner in life.

You must work – even God said we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling. There is always a field that is meant for you to cultivate if you don’t, then it will waste and if it is wasted then you will certainly fizzle out in poverty.

You must develop skills and apply it productively to solving problem.

You must take necessary risk.

Managing money
The problem of many is managing money, they make money but managing it is very difficult, you can be making money all your life yet die a poor man. For instance, if you are a bad manager, the more you make, the more you spend. It takes more to manage than to make.

Managing is about the controlling the use of money to serve your purpose and in other eliminate waste. Now the money managing skills:

You must have a budget – budget is to control you spending and to place limit. In the budget you must make sure you spend below earnings.

You must spend less and save more – that is using the proper money control formula: SL + SM = PMC.

Where:  SL = Spending Less
                SM = Saving More
                PMC = Proper Money Control

For low spending and high savings; buy lower prized goods – Nigerian ladies fixing human hair of about 250 thousand Naira and they don’t have any savings. Students using a cell phone of hundreds and thousands of dollars. Cut down your spending attitude and save the surplus, you must try to balance savings and spending, rent instead of buying something you will not use for long, minimize fun and entertainment, don’t dine out eat in, do it yourself – hiring the services of a dry cleaner and car wash can be a waste of resources sometimes, don’t spend your pay rise save it, buy in bulk, avoid gambling and betting etc.

You must shun destructive appetite – a young man at the age of 21 became a world renowned pugilist, at 35 he has made 350 million dollars but at 40 he became completely broke, today he is 70 poor broken and sick. He has a destructive attitude – for every color of suit he had, he bought a Ross Royce and a Ross Royce worth millions of dollars.  

You must seal several sources of money leakage – sources of money leakage are; shelter and apartment, transportation, house bills and expenses, luxury, sharing money around, impromptu buying, giving etc.

Multiplying money is the ability to increasingly amass money. The capacity you develop to build up and increase your income rate. You can multiply money by following the following steps:

Analyze market trend and invest wisely – don’t just do a thing because others are doing it, you have to be analytical before venturing into any commerce.

 Diversify when necessary – pursue one business idea at a time. When you have grown one idea, you can now take another, and then another continuously but within your mental capability. The future is volatile than ever so you need more than one stream of income.

Take greater but necessary risk and venture into it – greater necessary risk is what taking so as
Have a good sense of the future – know what to do at each point in time. Know when to change a course and redirect the course.

You must have to increase the income capacity of your business – read our article on how to increase income capacity on this blog. Do all it takes to improve on your money making capacity.

Some tips on essential money Skills
o   Pay less for purchase and save the surplus
o   When you reduce your spending increase you savings
o   Build a long term security by living less than your earn
o   Rich mentality sees money as a seed but poverty mentality sees money as a fruit to be eaten
o   Have money generating plan
o   Don’t live or hope on other people’s wealth to become somebody in life
o   Get direction, get goals, and follow the right course to wealth generation

o   Don’t cheat your way up, work your way up. 

Developing A Business Idea 1- How To Get A Business Running

You got some ideas and you want to bring them into reality? people jump into business without considering the right business and the business that will bring satisfaction and meet up with demands of the possible customers.

In the days past in our former area there was a petty trader who had some kinds of competition; she changed her business line from Provisions and custmetics to food stuff and the other people on the same line changed with her, when she found out that it is another competition she changed into running a restaurant and the others followed. Some people don't think at all. they just do what others do and get the average result. You don't want to live your life like that.

Now let is consider this model to develop a business idea

  1. Create a formidable business idea  
Before development, your business idea should be very striking and oustanding, to get at this point you have to take time to reason out and come out with a perfect business idea. to get this done you may need to follow this precepts.

Think and thinkthrough: do brainstorming, look at the environment consider what fits the area or what you can offer the masses. At any point in time business is to render services to the populace and not just to make profit although it includes that but see it as an avenue to lead and to provide oustanding services.

Know your limits: put a bandry to the extent you can go. Get it right, going into business is not just to open a shop and start selling tomatoes or recaharge cards or some sorts of provission stores but it is to come out with some unique even if it is a popular idea but not that your motivation is because of it popularity rather is based on what you can offer and get fulfillment. 

Put down the flowing ideas: as you run through the world of ideas, get a pen and note book or some sort of recording tools. Write the vision and make it plane... one of the reasons you have to put it down is because you may have several ideas that you may need to sieve and come out with a unique one idea to develope.

Take the environment into cosideration: the place where you will situate the business also will certainly determine the type of business and the types or catigories of cusomers that will patronize you. Thus you idea should be guided by that. Don't run a business that will lack patronage.

Think to solve a problem: almost all those that plait hair arround the campus in eboyin state university abakaliki Nigeria buy weavon from some distance market place. My little friend took this advantage and was supplying all of them and in no distance time he runs a very big shop that sells at about the same price with that of the market price. Not before long my friend was travelling almost twice every week to fill his shop. As a student he made a lots of returns. If you business is out to solve some problems then is out to florish.

   2. Make research and assesment

Run a market survey and  find out certain risk involve. Do core feasibility studies; whatever you find out will certainly help you improve on the business idea you are developing or wanting to develope. (see my article on Feasibility studies on this blog). Know the possible competition and competitors arround.


 3. Plan

Plan with what you have. Work with the cash flow (have a proper inflow and outflow schedule). You plans should includes you goal and vision, stretegies, marketing and some target. Poor performance is inevitable if there is poor plainning. Plan every aspect of the business so you don't run out. Most businesses that crashed is as a result of poor planing.

  4. Dvelopment

After taking into consideration all that you need to actualize your idea and put it into implementations. At this stage of development you make the idea very visible by runing a trial product or develop a phototype so as to assess the market. If it is maul or super market or shop of any size; make enough structural implementation and manpower, develop all it takes to run it.

5. Testing
This stage the result from the development stage is used to determine if you can progress with the business. Move out to put in place you business location, structures, manpower, security, energy, commodities and other vital things that will get the business cracking. One can do a test marketing, possibly to see if the product will be acceptable or is able to stand competetion. Then the next stage is start up properly.

6. Business star up
This is the stage of launching the business. All factors have been assesed and is save or adiquate enough to run.

Some business may run through all the stages for a small scale business with little start capital one may just from the development do all the detailed assesment and put the business into a start up stage. But in that case, it very visible that it will be able to stand competetion and succeed.

Remmember you are running a business as a leader not just one trader somewhere so your mentality have to change and get it right.

The Servant Leadership - The Serving Leader

The Servant Leadership

Most times when we hear the word leader we think of those at the hem of affairs, however this is not completely through, there is another type of leadership where the leader is a servant or servant who is a leader.

In some establishments sometimes the real leader is not at the hem of affairs but they are those who make things happen. The leader may just be someone among the rank and file and his achievements are great and remarkable.

People want to be leaders because they want to be popular, rich, powerful and commanding authority and being feared. But on the contrary it should be to serve the people, show them the path, trial the blaze, give directions, solve their problems, give relief and be their bridge to greatness.

Joseph was a slave in Egypt yet he was the leader in the house of his master. The story has it that because of his faithfulness to God and discipline life style he was thrown into prison, even in the prison still a leader eventually became the leader next to Pharaoh. He interpreted dreams, gave counsel to people and the world then was preserve because of his attitude to serve. A true leader is a servant and a true servant is a leader. If you serve you will be preserved to conserved future generation.

Qualities of a servant leader
Rendering services: Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. He said to them if you want to be great then you must be the servant of them all. The greatest style of leadership I have ever seen is the serving type.

Build other people: Joseph interpreted the dreams of his fellow prisoners and that of the king; Jesus left his lofty abode and descended low to impart man. He told Peter, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Your desire is to see humanity come to light.

Exemplary life style: I know a church leader who say one thing and do exactly the opposite. What you say is not as important as what you do. Your life style must lead people if you want to be this type of leader. Resolve to be an example.

 Influence respect and not command respect: two days ago I came to Enugu Nigeria I called one of my boys to come and drive me to a traditional wedding ground without prior-notice he came without hesitation. What do you get from here? Influence I guess. The servant leader would have so much lead that he has great influence on his people. He could have given excuses, of course he was on duty but he can’t just say no to a leader who has great influence on him.

Respect People’s weakness and learn to use their strength: you have to know this fact that everyone has weaknesses and everyone has where they are strong. Appreciate their strength and don’t attack their weakness. That is how you will get their complete loyalty and be their hero. Don’t use and dump people.

Be resourceful and reliable: be the one to listen to their cry and provide reasonable clue to getting to the solution. Earn their trust and never betray them.

They are good followers: great leaders are good followers. Learning, reading and researching is the way to follow. Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. The making is the following.

They don’t tear down they build up: they always see a way to promote love and build friendship. They are good lifting people up and not bringing them down.

They are credible: do the princes of this world have a place in you? Can people believe you when you say a thing? Can you give your time and even life for what you believe? Because this is all it takes to be a leader that is credible. Jesus said the prince of this world is coming but he has no place in me. Today millions of Christians all over the world are following and many are still yet to follow.

Sound management of time: The sound management of time is when you are conscious of the time you have to work and the time of other people. Don’t waste people’s time and don’t waste yours redeeming the time for the days are evil. Sound management of time is all it takes to dispatch your duties promptly.

Quotable quotes
It is better to serve than to be served

Serve to preserved and to conserved generation yet to be born

The best way to learn leadership is to follow. "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men..."

Good followers are better leaders

In all you do think of others and think of those it will profit


Developing Leadership Ability

Before we discuss the topic in whole, I would like us to look at the main points.

Ability is a level of skill or intelligence one has in doing something. It is an inner strength one uses in getting things done. Ability may also mean will power residence in us given to us by God from birth. So, every one has certain level of ability. It is just there either you know it or not you can develop the skill to fit certain responsibility.  I think the bible has a verse for that Matt 25:15.

From this point of view and what I want to drive at, I view leader as some one who takes responsibility; one who execute tasks, who get things done, one who cause things to happen in the desired direction, a problem solver, a path finder, and one who project ideas, goals and vision for his future and those entrusted to him, and those around him. So you see is beyond taking a lead or heading a group.

Leadership ability
This is the inner will power, level of special skill or enablement, or intelligence one posses which distinguishes or puts him ahead of others and at the same time empower him to get things done uniquely. The problem with the world today, and mostly the African continent, our political leaders lack this type of leadership.  This is why the continent is failing in almost everything. Organizations will not do well without his type of leaders.
What most business organizations do this day is they go for credentials without looking at the credibility of the owner. It goes beyond passing an aptitude test or taking interview it is showing great initiatives and having a great sense of futuristic foresight.

Tips on how to develop leadership ability
Out of the leaders in the world today majority maneuvered their way up, some are pushed (inherited it or bought into it), and very few grew into attaining it. The most effective and result-full among them all are those who have passed through due process and are prepared. And guess what, these are the very few categories of leaders.

How then can we develop this unique leadership special skill?

You must develop emotional and mental maturity
This has to do with empowering your mind and emotion and having total control over the way you think, feel, and act. Emotional and mental state of a man is the sum total of the way he behaves and act. One’s temperament is tied to it. For one to develop emotional and mental maturity he must deliberately control himself over all things. It calls for total discipline of one’s self. In all things give your emotion direction and be well focused. Think before you execute, consider before you act, evaluate before you undertake, peruse before you accept, let everything have cause. Don’t act from sentiment and feelings or from assumptions. Past experience may help but be sure the instant are the same and not just similar. So, self control, discipline and focus are the keys.

You must be mentored
The path of leadership development you want to thread, many have gone through that before. So is easy to learn from example than from experience. Take caution from their pit falls and make amend. You must be a follower before you are made. Jesus said “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” The making of leadership is in the followership. Matt 4:19

You must learn leadership
The processes of making include learning and learning most involve study. Study to show yourself approved: read books, magazines, listen to tapes, videos and attend seminars. The bottom line is learning leadership.

You have to be a compass
You have to show people the way. All you do should be others oriented, I mean be selfless and more of problem solving. Show the way let others follow. Live an exemplary life. God is looking for a man who will stand in the gap… what that means is services to humanity. Just be the one to carry the touch.

You must be a worker
God is a worker, Jesus is also a worker, and most great successful leaders ever in the history of life are workers. Who then are you, a looker? If you see a man diligent in his business he shall stand before great men and not commoners.

You must relate with people
Find people of like mind and relate with them. You can not be an island of own you need people to stand. Human are the bridges of life; make good bridge and be sure you will not fail or fall. If you can manage people rightly you can manage anything.

You must not neglect the God factor

If God be fore you who can be against you? Permit me to rephrase this question; if God be against you who can be for you? Be connected to the giver of all things and always ask him to increase you.

10 Keys On How To Fulfill Dreams/Destiny In Life

Dreams are desire created in the mind of an individual; a long or short term mental picture of the future. It comprises what the person wants to become or achieve at a particular time in life. It could also be viewed as goals and ambition that are purposeful. Then when we dream sometimes it seems like mere wishes of a beggar.  There is a saying that goes thus “if wishes were hoses beggars would ride on them.” But on the contrary, it is only the wishes of beggars that can not be ridden on; the wishes of a prudent man may just be that wing he needs to fly to the place of greatness. I think one can actually ride on wishes if you make them realities. If there were no wishes how then can there be reaches? Dream is all it takes. How then can we bring these dreams into reality?

Key1- Get a dream
Dream and make sure you dream big. Create a mental picture of the future, if it is real in you heart it will one day be real in your hands. Dream one, dream yet another and while still trying to put it down dream again. It cost nothing to dream, those who fear to dream fear the possibility of actualizing it, so they think is better not thinking of any future goals, ambitions or dream. The story of Joseph makes it clear on how to dream several dreams (Gen 37:1-9).

Key2- Harmonize the dreams
When we say dream one dream yet another, we do not mean you should be zigzag; let your dreams have a confluence. Let them be complementary, geared towards achieving a unique purpose. All Joseph’s Dreams were so harmonious they were pointing towards certain purpose of Joseph’s life; becoming the set man that they all will depend on in the nearest future (Gen 37). You want to be a pilot and at the same time you want to be a politician. That may not be harmonizing enough.

Key3-Eliminate distractions
Joseph was sold into Egypt his master was found of him, he handed everything into his hands. That would have been breakthrough enough to say he has arrived but on the contrary, he was still focused; the throne was his target. Not for long his master’s wife set her eyes on him, he chose to go to prison rather than to be imprisoned by errors and lusts and pleasure of life that will attract curse and reproach. If he had yielded, he would have ended up his journey to greatness as a slave and a sex toy. Let it be clear to you on what you want and where you want to be. No man that wars entangled himself with the affairs of this world. To eliminate distraction; focus, determination and personal conviction of purpose are just the keys.

Key4- Spell it out
Make your goals clear; write them out in other of priority. Don’t begin to live life to chance and opportunity. Get a clear cut of what you want and stop living in obscurity of uncertainty. The opportunity to manifest your dream can only come if you have a clear cut of what you want.

Key5- Let your behavior shows it
The story of Rueben is still very fresh in my mind (Gen 49). He missed his destiny and that of all his generation because of his inability to overcome sexual urge or drive. He made it worse by sleeping with his father’s wife. He has all the credentials (Gen 49:3 …..Excellency of dignity and the Excellency of power) but he had no credibility. If you want to be great then you must act like one. Everyone has weaknesses there is no super human, but hay, in the midst of all that you must work it out and let your dream reflect on your character. Imagine a pastor, Deacon, Church member who sleeps around and commit immorality with church girls or guys and yet wants to get results, it is not possible.

Key6- Locate people of like mind or people that will help lift you up
Jonathan was a friend of David in 1Sam23:16; Jonathan helped David to find strength in God. Your friends should be vision helper and not killers. Moses has his father-in-law to help him handle the Israelites. His advice helped at a time he needed it most.

Key7- Locate wise men, successful men, and great men in the field of your endeavor
It is good to emulate men of outstanding character and quality, learn their success story. That will help a long way. In any facet of life or path you are threading or want to thread, there are people who have gone through it before. It is better you learn from their experiences. Sometimes they may have written their experiences down in books or/and tapes. If you can get close to them or make them your mentor even If it is going to be from a distance it is going to help live the desire dream. Joshua was servant of Mosses whose follower are you or you just want to be made on your own?

Key8- Work towards it and work it out
Plan on how you can achieve it and make sure you achieve it. It may take time and attention; give it all it takes to make it come through. In doing this you have to pray, plan, strategize, endure, work hard and work smart.  Be willing to start small. People want to get rich over night and most time they die over night. Dream is not a get rich affair it is perseverance, persistence and all it takes (that which we have discussed) to get your desire to come to light. You may be rich yet unfulfilled. But you can not be fulfilled yet not be rich.

Key9- Be flexible, correctable, approachable and reliable
Some people are unnecessarily rigid, it is good to be firm but be flexible. Learn to take correction because that is one of the ways you can improve in what you do. Always be available to carry out your assignment and responsibility. Although David was not recognized by his siblings, he was always about his assignment no doubt that attests for his recommendations by God himself (1Samuel 16:1-13).   

Key10- Be ready to interpret the dreams of others

Joseph could interpret his dreams; he knew what was up for him in the future so it was no news he was willing to follow it. But he came to stardom only when he interprets the dream of his fellows in his prison house. Invest in the life of people around you. Help them stand to their feet, their rising may be you chance to living your dream
Go ahead live your dream it is your destiny you can make it happen. Cheers!

Business Watch 1-How To Grow A Business And Avoid Stagnancy

Business plan
Did you really draw any projections before starting your business? Or, did you just think everything will just be fine, profits will keep coming in and that you will be super rich in no time? The truth, however, is that you can’t truly navigate to the acme without a plan.

If you must succeed in the market place, the first thing you need to have is a market strategy. You need to go to your drawing board. Gather a team of experts- those who are very familiar with the business; gather as much information as you need. Draw out a feasible business plan, while not neglecting to begin with the end in mind.

Before commencing operations, ask the necessary questions. How do we make our product or company a powerful brand? How do we penetrate the market? Where are the loop holes? What are our strength and weaknesses? What tactics do we employ? Who are our competitors? What are their strategies? How have they been faring all the while? What are they not doing right? How can we do better than them? What are the obstacles we need to overcome? Are we able to survive with this number of people or do we need to seek reinforcement? What series of action do we take in order to reach our target? What back up plans do we have? These are some of the questions you need to ask while drawing your plan.

Your business plan is your road map to success. A good business plan will force you to think about aspects of your business that you probably would not consider. Sales forecasting, cash flow, operating capital return on investment, inventory control, advertisement expenses, rent, utilities, taxes are some of the things your business plan will cover. A business plan will always cause you to see the obstacles ahead so that you can overcome them.

Good enough idea
Nothing can withstand the power of great idea. ‘’Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come,’’ says Victor Hugo. People will not patronize you if your product is substandard, but once they see that your product is exceptional, and that your services are excellent, they will throw away their cynicisms. You must therefore ensure that your idea is excellent and exceptional. The superiority of your idea is what will guarantee your success in business. Your idea must be unique, original, perfect, unrivaled, convincing, attractive, irresistible and effective. Your idea is your ticket to the business world. The more unique it is, the better your chances of penetrating the market. Let your idea be so reasonably priced and yet so efficient; let it be so simple and yet so sophisticated.

Narrow business perspective
You went into business just because you needed money to meet your needs and not because you wanted to solve a global problem. You have never seen your business grow beyond your locality because you do not have a big vision. That is not all about doing business. Every business is expected to grow across borders, but an establishment can only reach as far as the vision of its owner. How big is your vision? Do you see yourself owning just one shop, or do you see yourself controlling conglomerates? Do you see your products consumed locally, or do you see them becoming world-class brands? You need to see the big picture. You can only move ahead as far as your eyes can see; that’s why you need to look beyond your horizon. If you want your business to grow, you need to first broaden your perspective. Get rid of every limiting belief or doubt. Think big! Dream big!

What about a vision statement
You believe you know where you are going, so you did not border to make your employees see the big picture too. You believe it’s your vision so you keep it to yourself, instead of putting it in paper and pasting it on the wall for your workers to read. Your business will not grow that way. You need not only a vision, but also a vision statement. Having a vision statement could be as simple as saying or writing what you want to become after five or ten years. It could range in length from a couple of words to several pages, but normally people prefer shorter vision statements because they are easier to remember. For example, your own vision statement could be like this ‘’To become the leading internet service provider in Sub-Saharan Africa’’ or ‘’To become the largest exporter of cocoa in the world.’’

By writing such statements on the wall for your workers to see, you keep them motivated, and you also make your customers want to identify with you.

Top 11 Reasons People Fail In Life

Event may fail that does not make you are failure, but when you have resolved that you can’t try again then I think you have indeed failed. There is some unique about failure, is just away of drawing your attention to what you are not doing right. If you can pick lessons from the pitfalls and apply them then you are on your way to success.

There may be more but here are some top 11 tips why people fail.

They don’t want to fail or they fear to fail
The fear of failure is the beginning of it. Job said what I fear has come upon me. What you fear, you will certainly be confronted with it. Face life courageously damn the consequences of whatever result that may come out of it. You will not fail if you do well.   

They are slow to or don’t like to take risk
Failure to take a risk is risk to fail. Life is full of risks and if you must move ahead, you just have to give it a try. Jesus told Judas “what you have to do, do quickly”. There is no way you can eliminate risk in all you do. For you to live, you have to risk dying. But known risk and risk created by you should be completely distinguished and eliminated.

This is a simple illustration: one of my friends has a bad pocket, when he discovered it, instead of taking it to the tailor, he still wore the trousers, the worst was that he forgot and kept the money he withdraw from the bank that was meant for school fees. Your guess is as good as mine. He lost that money about a $1000 (150,000 Nigerian naira)

They lack good sense of judgment
Some days past I asked a question somewhere in one of my outings in one of the higher institutions in Nigeria; I asked if I present a book of 5,500 Nigerian naira and a cash of 3,500 which of them will you prefer? All the students said they would prefer the cash. They also admit that it is a bad sense of judgment apart from a boy who argued that it is not a wrong decision or sense of judgment that it depends on the individual, that to him it is the right thing to do.

If your sense of judgment is poor you can hardly do anything right. Always try to look at things with your inner eyes. Don’t always judge from the physical perspective, the must credible factors are always hidden from senses. Prophet Samuel almost anoints the wrong person instead of the man God has chosen the man David going by the physical appearance.

Once someone wanted counsel, he said he wants to marry someone he loves so much, but any counsel you give to him he will always rebuff, finally all the friends asked him to go ahead but not for long the so called wife to be started dating a friend who visited them some time ago. The worst is she was so loose that anybody can have her grace their bed.

Good sense of judgment is needed in all you do if you most succeed in life.

They procrastinate
Procrastination is the grave many great destinies have been buried. There are many dreams that where never lived, many visions that where never followed, many goals that where never attained. Whatever you have to do it now and be quick. Time waits for no one.

They are tied to the old pattern
“That is not the way things are done” the priest shouted, “but I needed a different result” Emeka reasoned within himself. “Don’t shout when you pray” the priest continued, “God can hear even when you whispered to his ears. He is not your age mate or deft.” Emaka wondered if that is true, he read the story on how Jesus prayed and sweat coming out of his body like droplets of blood. So Emeka left the parish to somewhere quiet that no one can hear or disturb him, not for long the hung back disappeared without anyone laying hands or anointing him. He was born with the deformity and he was not comfortable with it. He has always wanted his pastor to heal him instead, what he gets is how he can live with it and accept his fate.

There are many way to get things done, if you need better result get serious, find out better way to get it done and change pattern.

They are not passionate enough or they lack driving force
Whatever you believe in, do it as if your life depends on it. Be firm with your goals and create a strong craving to achieve it no matter what. When you lack the passion it is easier to quit, and quitting is not an option, if it becomes one you can never win. Life is a battle if you quit fighting you live to fight a greater battle. Wake up to your dreams pursue them and win. There is no way to get serious apart from getting serious by breaking the limit of unwillingness in your mind. You can if you think and know you can. Don’t just sit down there without applying what you know.

They are easily carried away or distracted
The road to success is smooth distraction is just by the way side, if you ignore the side attractions and focus on your dream you just walk up to it. Lack of self discipline is the major reason for distraction. Everything is not devil like many Christians always think; if you do what you are supposed to do, they have no option than to watch you progress, I mean your enemies will be far from reach.

They fail to plan or plan well
Failure to plan is a plan to fail.  Proper preparation produces prompt performance. Plan your time; your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities. My Senior Pastor told me a story of one of his lecturers during his MSc program, who will always right down what he will do on that and will always tick the ones he has accomplished.

They don’t take/hate correction or hate when someone criticize them
Some people hate correction or criticism. Criticism is the refining tool that talents, abilities, and general life undertakings grow. My mother told us a story of a brass smith, who will always invite people to come and criticize his products. During his era he was the best. Let people talk bad about you be sincere with your judgment with what they said is it true and if it is true why not repent and change and make amends. There are sometimes elements of truth in criticisms

They are always with the wrong people
Who is your friend? Friends have lots of influence in your destiny. You can not be greater than the kind of friends you keep. If your friends beat up their wives certainly you will soon join them. Success is contagious so is failure. Make friends with their type of people that fit your goal.

They don’t know how to manage time
There 24hours in a day, successful people don’t have 25hours. Time management is the key. The 24hours can be divided into 3 sections of 8hours. If you sleep/rest for one, work for another then the other is the determining factor if you will be great or not. Some people misuse the last part of the daily section of their time. If you sleep or play more than eight hour, then be sure what will come out of it.  Many great people push their working time further and plan/think and strategize with the other. Read books on time management.

Financial Building And Preservation 2 - Rules To Grow And Preserve Wealth (The Franchoma Rules)

In the part1 I talked about building finance. But here, we are going to see how you can retain money and at the same time cause it to grow.

Seek more opportunities and venture into them
This has to do with you identifying viable chances to establish a trade or business (entrepreneurship). Spreading out your tentacles and reaching out to avenues of wealth. Look around you, what do people need you can provide? Try as much as possible to make sure money enters your hands daily. This is the problem of some salary earners; they wait for salary at month end just before then what they have at hand has been used up and most times they are already indebted.

Save today so you can save the future
No matter how small is your income you most keep a part for savings. If you save today you have saved the future. Then another thing is you most work towards trying to improve or appreciate in savings. If you save $500 today then you must try something above it the next time, however small just improve. If you must do that you may want to know the next tip.

Make sure you increase your income
One way to preserve wealth/money is to make sure you have source(s) enough to increase the money that enters you hand on daily, monthly and/or yearly bases. To attain this goal you must apply rule 1 and rule4 effectively and strictly. If you are good at a particular thing, open different outlets in different places or better still diversify.

Make out modalities to improve on the income capacity of your resources
If your business is stagnant just like the stagnant water, it will experience decay. So you must strategize on how to increase the revenue ability of such business. One of the ways of doing this is packaging; let customers see something unique in what you do. Do it differently and differently all the time. If you must get different result, you must change patterns, if possible change tools. You may want to see rule14 for packaging. Packaging is not only the way out; you can enlarge your cost, get down to the drawing board.

Don’t keep much money at home or in your wallet
As someone who is trying to get financial balance, you must be mindful of what you carry out for spending. At each time go to the bank, don’t leave large amount of money at home. The unexpected may happen (theft, lost or misplacement, or misuse).

Don’t eat all you have
When you are mentally poor it shows in your attitude. The poor whenever have money, they head for the market. But success IQ is whenever money comes, think on how to increase it. No matter how hungry you are don’t spend everything always have something left and something to keep/save. If you eat all, you eat your tomorrow today.

You can only preserve and grow wealth if money meets money in your bank account or savings. Stagnancy is when, whenever money gets to your hands it would have been long used or lavished before another comes. Then it becomes a daily or a regular pattern. You must break this pattern otherwise the pattern will break you down. Work on how money will meet money in your hands.

Make a budget and spend within it
Write out the major financial task for the day, month and year. Write out their cost and spend in line of the budget you have made. There may be things that your budget may not cover some of theses things may just come up in the process of time, however the budget is a guide for your spending. Don’t buy things you didn’t plan for always plan your spending.

Be prudent in spending
To be prudent in spending means to be far-sighted or sensible when you make your expenses. Make an order of preference and allow your spending follow that pattern. When money gets into your hand don’t think of what to buy think on how it will stay or multiply and even if you must spend, don’t spend on liability spend more on assets. When we say assets we are not talking about shoes, iphone, blackberry, cars etc they are not assets they are liability. Except an occasion whereby it becomes necessity and it will be profitable.

Subdue the appetite for materialism
Africans ordinarily are material conscious. If you must be great or wealthy then you must control your appetite and crave for ostentatious things and show off. Rule11 talks about discipline. That will help in self control and cutting your appetite. Not everything you desire you should get just cut your craving.

Spend within your means
There was a time I was leaving in debt year to year; I will always buy cloths although relevant at that time but then the money was not there so I will have to buy on credit from one particular lady. So all the time I will have to pay debt; hardly money meets money in my hands thus no savings until I said to myself enough is enough.  

Sow your coat according to your cloth. If you don’t have money, don’t accumulate debts. Don’t even borrow money to feed yourself, plan your income and leave within it. Have you noticed that it is always very difficult to pay when you are indebted because of food? And hay can you progress with those debts?

Discipline is the key
It is always easy to command someone to obey you but obeying yourself requires discipline otherwise breaking the rules will be as easy as ABC. Self discipline is the key to following and obeying completely. Discipline yourself to follow your plans.

Plant the money
When you plant a seed of grain in the earth, it will certainly germinate and the harvest certainly will be greater than what you have sown. One way to preserve a seed is to make it germinate, when it germinates you would have preserve it and the same time increase it. So it is with wealth. Invest in other people’s business ideas, you can even fix certain amount, buy stock (see a stock broker) but you must be prudent in all this. However life is a risk, failure to take a risk is a greater risk; in fact it is a risk not to try. After all if you live you risk dying.

Present it in a better packaging
If you are a regular traveler using the Ore route to Lagos you will discovered that the business at Ore is collapsing; those food vendors are falling out of business. What is the cause you may ask? Sizzlers stepped ahead of them with packaging. Sizzlers provided free facilities which the commuters can access even if they are not buying food or other items. Not for long, all the customers were drawn from those vendors.
Not for long, G Agofure motors built a shopping plaza with a fuel station and those free facilities as well, now the show is between Agofure and Sizzlers.

Your business or organization name need strike a chord. Names are very important in business competition. The name needs not to be long; it should be short and attractive.

Make use of up to date tools and not the old orthodox methods. Packaging represents the way you value your customers. Packaging encompasses character, dressing, courtesy and mannerism, public speaking and whole lots of things that will project you and your business.

Cast it upon the waters (replicate success in others)
In Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 the Holy Scripture admonishes us to cast our bread upon the waters that it will come back to us after many days. The reason for this is because of the evil days or day of disaster.
Replicate success in others; carry people along, give helping hands to people. In doing this, it does not mean you should begin to feed people around, yes you can do that sometime but what we are saying here is wisdom is needed to accomplish every dream or goal in life. Those you help may become your helper in no distance time. You are not successful not until you replicate yourself in others or make some one successful or at least make room for charity.

Refrain from show off
We were told a story of a daily collector who after collecting money from his customers, instead of getting home first, decided to attend a marriage ceremony. Guess what happened, the musician on seeing the collector started singing his praise calling him all sort of good names, what follows was that the collector started praying money on the musician, before he knew it he has spent all that he collected that day. When he realized himself, all he had is gone. Not before long he collapsed.

I know you learnt a lot from that. Be moderate in all you do. Don’t even think of show off, it will push you to do what is not convenient and make you run into bankruptcy. Don’t even impress anybody just be yourself. Some business people will buy all the latest cloth, wrist watch, car, and all sorts of material thing just to prove a point or show to their neighbor that they also are well placed. The problem you will run into is certainly bankruptcy and not for long, you run out of business.

Avoid impulse buying
Impulse buying is buying without priority and without plan. Let all your spending be, what you need and not out of your wide crave for materialism.  Don’t try to be like someone in spending; because lady A has this you also want to buy it. That is poverty in mentality.

Article by Pst Godwin A. Okoremu


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