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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Leadership Base Of Character

Any economical collapsed or melt down is owed to  character bankruptcy.

No great man falls or fails without first failing in character. Charecter is cardinal to any type of leadership. You can't say one thing and your character says another. Successful leadership is an offspring of formadable, tested and proven character.

The character question – lose everything but character – character is the most important asset – it is the worst lost a man can suffer- once there is character then destiny is preserved – character is the greatest liability a person can possess – you can only go up on the wings of character

Crisis of character – lecturer striving to sleep with students etc; character bankruptcy is responsible for the rot and dearth in leadership today; calculated bank frauds; behind every divorce is character lost; massive character collapse in the country has destroyed the entire system

What Is Character – it is your distinctive identity (what you are known for); it is your attitude and action in secret (who you are when no one is watching); it is your behavior under pressure (real character is defined under pressure. Everybody behaves normally when things are normal but under pressure what happens)

Importance of character

Character determines destiny - the strength of your character determines the strength of your destiny, it is impossible to have a weak character and a strong destiny, you cannot have a destiny that is bigger than your character; you are doing nothing about your destiny until you are doing something about your character.

The eagle’s example (the eagle is the king of the birds, 10,000 feet above sea level, wing to wing 9 feet, it can carry weights 3 times above its size, flying at 120 miles per hour and can see its prey which is 100 kilometers away); apart from vision, eagle has the power of vision and it does not eat corruption; compare the eagle with the vulture (they are from the same family); those who feast on corruption settle for limitation

The Lion – the lion is the king of the wild - it does not eat corruption 

Gold is also the king of metals – the value of gold is enhanced by the elimination of impurities; impurity reduces the quality of gold just as iniquity reduces quality of a destiny.

Charisma without character equals disaster; authority without integrity equals calamity.

Character makes for consistency – only a fool fires a man of character; how strong you are in character determines how long you last. Perpetuity would never occur where character is unstable.

What you loose when you lose character
·         You lose the trust and respect of others.

·         You lose the right to transfer legacies to the next generation. 

·         You lose divine direction and help.

Character boosters
·         Fear of God

·         Faithfulness

·         Contentment

·         Consistence

·         Truthfulness


·         Honesty

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