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Saturday, April 12, 2014

10 Keys On How To Fulfill Dreams/Destiny In Life

Dreams are desire created in the mind of an individual; a long or short term mental picture of the future. It comprises what the person wants to become or achieve at a particular time in life. It could also be viewed as goals and ambition that are purposeful. Then when we dream sometimes it seems like mere wishes of a beggar.  There is a saying that goes thus “if wishes were hoses beggars would ride on them.” But on the contrary, it is only the wishes of beggars that can not be ridden on; the wishes of a prudent man may just be that wing he needs to fly to the place of greatness. I think one can actually ride on wishes if you make them realities. If there were no wishes how then can there be reaches? Dream is all it takes. How then can we bring these dreams into reality?

Key1- Get a dream
Dream and make sure you dream big. Create a mental picture of the future, if it is real in you heart it will one day be real in your hands. Dream one, dream yet another and while still trying to put it down dream again. It cost nothing to dream, those who fear to dream fear the possibility of actualizing it, so they think is better not thinking of any future goals, ambitions or dream. The story of Joseph makes it clear on how to dream several dreams (Gen 37:1-9).

Key2- Harmonize the dreams
When we say dream one dream yet another, we do not mean you should be zigzag; let your dreams have a confluence. Let them be complementary, geared towards achieving a unique purpose. All Joseph’s Dreams were so harmonious they were pointing towards certain purpose of Joseph’s life; becoming the set man that they all will depend on in the nearest future (Gen 37). You want to be a pilot and at the same time you want to be a politician. That may not be harmonizing enough.

Key3-Eliminate distractions
Joseph was sold into Egypt his master was found of him, he handed everything into his hands. That would have been breakthrough enough to say he has arrived but on the contrary, he was still focused; the throne was his target. Not for long his master’s wife set her eyes on him, he chose to go to prison rather than to be imprisoned by errors and lusts and pleasure of life that will attract curse and reproach. If he had yielded, he would have ended up his journey to greatness as a slave and a sex toy. Let it be clear to you on what you want and where you want to be. No man that wars entangled himself with the affairs of this world. To eliminate distraction; focus, determination and personal conviction of purpose are just the keys.

Key4- Spell it out
Make your goals clear; write them out in other of priority. Don’t begin to live life to chance and opportunity. Get a clear cut of what you want and stop living in obscurity of uncertainty. The opportunity to manifest your dream can only come if you have a clear cut of what you want.

Key5- Let your behavior shows it
The story of Rueben is still very fresh in my mind (Gen 49). He missed his destiny and that of all his generation because of his inability to overcome sexual urge or drive. He made it worse by sleeping with his father’s wife. He has all the credentials (Gen 49:3 …..Excellency of dignity and the Excellency of power) but he had no credibility. If you want to be great then you must act like one. Everyone has weaknesses there is no super human, but hay, in the midst of all that you must work it out and let your dream reflect on your character. Imagine a pastor, Deacon, Church member who sleeps around and commit immorality with church girls or guys and yet wants to get results, it is not possible.

Key6- Locate people of like mind or people that will help lift you up
Jonathan was a friend of David in 1Sam23:16; Jonathan helped David to find strength in God. Your friends should be vision helper and not killers. Moses has his father-in-law to help him handle the Israelites. His advice helped at a time he needed it most.

Key7- Locate wise men, successful men, and great men in the field of your endeavor
It is good to emulate men of outstanding character and quality, learn their success story. That will help a long way. In any facet of life or path you are threading or want to thread, there are people who have gone through it before. It is better you learn from their experiences. Sometimes they may have written their experiences down in books or/and tapes. If you can get close to them or make them your mentor even If it is going to be from a distance it is going to help live the desire dream. Joshua was servant of Mosses whose follower are you or you just want to be made on your own?

Key8- Work towards it and work it out
Plan on how you can achieve it and make sure you achieve it. It may take time and attention; give it all it takes to make it come through. In doing this you have to pray, plan, strategize, endure, work hard and work smart.  Be willing to start small. People want to get rich over night and most time they die over night. Dream is not a get rich affair it is perseverance, persistence and all it takes (that which we have discussed) to get your desire to come to light. You may be rich yet unfulfilled. But you can not be fulfilled yet not be rich.

Key9- Be flexible, correctable, approachable and reliable
Some people are unnecessarily rigid, it is good to be firm but be flexible. Learn to take correction because that is one of the ways you can improve in what you do. Always be available to carry out your assignment and responsibility. Although David was not recognized by his siblings, he was always about his assignment no doubt that attests for his recommendations by God himself (1Samuel 16:1-13).   

Key10- Be ready to interpret the dreams of others

Joseph could interpret his dreams; he knew what was up for him in the future so it was no news he was willing to follow it. But he came to stardom only when he interprets the dream of his fellows in his prison house. Invest in the life of people around you. Help them stand to their feet, their rising may be you chance to living your dream
Go ahead live your dream it is your destiny you can make it happen. Cheers!

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