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Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Servant Leadership - The Serving Leader

The Servant Leadership

Most times when we hear the word leader we think of those at the hem of affairs, however this is not completely through, there is another type of leadership where the leader is a servant or servant who is a leader.

In some establishments sometimes the real leader is not at the hem of affairs but they are those who make things happen. The leader may just be someone among the rank and file and his achievements are great and remarkable.

People want to be leaders because they want to be popular, rich, powerful and commanding authority and being feared. But on the contrary it should be to serve the people, show them the path, trial the blaze, give directions, solve their problems, give relief and be their bridge to greatness.

Joseph was a slave in Egypt yet he was the leader in the house of his master. The story has it that because of his faithfulness to God and discipline life style he was thrown into prison, even in the prison still a leader eventually became the leader next to Pharaoh. He interpreted dreams, gave counsel to people and the world then was preserve because of his attitude to serve. A true leader is a servant and a true servant is a leader. If you serve you will be preserved to conserved future generation.

Qualities of a servant leader
Rendering services: Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. He said to them if you want to be great then you must be the servant of them all. The greatest style of leadership I have ever seen is the serving type.

Build other people: Joseph interpreted the dreams of his fellow prisoners and that of the king; Jesus left his lofty abode and descended low to impart man. He told Peter, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Your desire is to see humanity come to light.

Exemplary life style: I know a church leader who say one thing and do exactly the opposite. What you say is not as important as what you do. Your life style must lead people if you want to be this type of leader. Resolve to be an example.

 Influence respect and not command respect: two days ago I came to Enugu Nigeria I called one of my boys to come and drive me to a traditional wedding ground without prior-notice he came without hesitation. What do you get from here? Influence I guess. The servant leader would have so much lead that he has great influence on his people. He could have given excuses, of course he was on duty but he can’t just say no to a leader who has great influence on him.

Respect People’s weakness and learn to use their strength: you have to know this fact that everyone has weaknesses and everyone has where they are strong. Appreciate their strength and don’t attack their weakness. That is how you will get their complete loyalty and be their hero. Don’t use and dump people.

Be resourceful and reliable: be the one to listen to their cry and provide reasonable clue to getting to the solution. Earn their trust and never betray them.

They are good followers: great leaders are good followers. Learning, reading and researching is the way to follow. Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. The making is the following.

They don’t tear down they build up: they always see a way to promote love and build friendship. They are good lifting people up and not bringing them down.

They are credible: do the princes of this world have a place in you? Can people believe you when you say a thing? Can you give your time and even life for what you believe? Because this is all it takes to be a leader that is credible. Jesus said the prince of this world is coming but he has no place in me. Today millions of Christians all over the world are following and many are still yet to follow.

Sound management of time: The sound management of time is when you are conscious of the time you have to work and the time of other people. Don’t waste people’s time and don’t waste yours redeeming the time for the days are evil. Sound management of time is all it takes to dispatch your duties promptly.

Quotable quotes
It is better to serve than to be served

Serve to preserved and to conserved generation yet to be born

The best way to learn leadership is to follow. "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men..."

Good followers are better leaders

In all you do think of others and think of those it will profit


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