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Saturday, April 12, 2014

27 Keys to Become an Exceptional Leader and a Success

BE FRIENDLY: Relate to people as though they are important. Even if you think you are better, it should not show in your actions. just be friendly in all your dealings.
    BE POLITE AT ALL TIMES: Some people are rude, they don't show courtesy. Is only animals that don't have courtesy. A good banker, nurse, doctors, lawyer, sales personnel etc is known by how they deal with people
      BE CHARITABLE: Do good to all men. God blesses those who love, for God is love. there is no way you can influence people if you don't show, you love them. How much you love them will determine how much influence you will have over them  A great leader must lead in love.
        BE COURAGEOUS: cowards have no business with leadership. in sight of adversity, leaders are not known for being fearful. life is a risk, the fearful cannot take the demanded risk to be great leaders.
          BE GENEROUS. Generosity entails giving alms and helping to promote good friendship. A generous person gives without being noticed or expecting a thank you.
            BE GOOD LOOKING AND NEAT AT ALL TIME: Good looking is good business. If you want to get the attention of people around you, be neat. So when they are attracted to you, they can now see other qualities you have and they have no option than to stick around.
              BE SELF CONTENT: Whatever you have is what you need. Don't ever show any iota of greed. Nobody loves a greedy man. If in-contentment is the father of greed.
                BE BRIGHT AND LIGHTEN UP YOUR COUNTENANCE ALWAYS: The world is filled with a lot of challenges. Don't wear them on your face. You short comes should not show in what you do.
                  BE RESOURCEFUL:: When people come to you for counsel or advice, have enough to offer. you can only be resourceful if you are a good reader and a researcher. what you have is what you give.
                    BE TIME CONSCIOUS: Time is life. Respect people's time. Learn to use time wisely. Some guests will keep their host waiting for no just reason, you will gradually lose value with time.
                      BE MINDFUL OF WHAT YOU SAY. SAY LESS LISTEN MORE: Words are true expression of your person. No need to say sorry if you actually count your words. You are what you say. Always have a listening eyes; people need someone they can talk to.
                        BE RESPECTFUL: No matter how highly placed you are always come down to the level of those around you. Respect people's opinion and respect elderly people.
                          BE GRANDILOQUENT AND ELOQUENT: Build or develop your vocabulary. Eloquence is a sharp razor. convincing can easily be convinced is you are polished. but you must also learn public speaking.
                            BE A PROBLEM SOLVER: In our environment today are enough problems to make us popular. if you solve problems you gain attention.
                              BE GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO: There is what you are known for, be at your very best. offer services accurately and perfectly.
                                BE OPEN TO CRITICISMS: Criticism is the refining furnace for pure character and perfect delivery of service. Don't always defend in words but defend rather in actions. Let not your words speak for you rather your action should speak.
                                  BE ACCESSIBLE OR APPROACHABLE: Some people are too high up, yet they want to lead. The gap between them and the general, is a thousand milev away. Let people access you, that is the only way you can know them, understand their values and make impart.
                                    BE GRATEFUL OR THANKFUL: "Thank you" is a simple word but it creates a lot of grounds for success. appreciate people for their services even if you paid for it.
                                      BE TRUTHFUL: Say the truth at all times. Apply wisdom When necessary but don't take lies as wisdom. Everybody needs someone to trust.
                                        BE RELIABLE: Can I rely on you? when you asked such question, what will be your answers? Yes of course! But how true will be your answer? Every appreciates reliable people
                                          BE READY TO TAKE ACTION: The reason most institutions, organisations, marriages and etc fail, is lack of will power to follow plans and act in the right course.
                                            BE SMART AND HARDWORKING: Laziness is a key player to failure. work hard and smart. discharge your duties quickly and appropriately. Great leaders have this in common.
                                              BE LAW ABIDING: Leaders make rules but some times, they are the worst law breakers. lead by example. If you want to obey rules and you, then obey lay down rules.
                                                BE TRANSPARENT AND FAIR TO ALL: Every wants leaders they can trust and respect, the only way they can believe your judgement is when you are not wanting in this area.
                                                  BE FILL WITH SENSE OF GOOD JUDGEMENT: You must take right decisions and give right judgement. I have sales men, pastors, presidents etc whose sense of judgement is second to none and how influential they are.
                                                    BE PRINCIPLED AND FIRM: All great leaders have some personal principles. they are also very resolute as well. Their flexibility is not weakness but strength.
                                                      BE GOOD FEARING: Without God you can do nothing. And even if you attain something, is nothing compare to where He should have place you. After all He created you.

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