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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Top 11 Reasons People Fail In Life

Event may fail that does not make you are failure, but when you have resolved that you can’t try again then I think you have indeed failed. There is some unique about failure, is just away of drawing your attention to what you are not doing right. If you can pick lessons from the pitfalls and apply them then you are on your way to success.

There may be more but here are some top 11 tips why people fail.

They don’t want to fail or they fear to fail
The fear of failure is the beginning of it. Job said what I fear has come upon me. What you fear, you will certainly be confronted with it. Face life courageously damn the consequences of whatever result that may come out of it. You will not fail if you do well.   

They are slow to or don’t like to take risk
Failure to take a risk is risk to fail. Life is full of risks and if you must move ahead, you just have to give it a try. Jesus told Judas “what you have to do, do quickly”. There is no way you can eliminate risk in all you do. For you to live, you have to risk dying. But known risk and risk created by you should be completely distinguished and eliminated.

This is a simple illustration: one of my friends has a bad pocket, when he discovered it, instead of taking it to the tailor, he still wore the trousers, the worst was that he forgot and kept the money he withdraw from the bank that was meant for school fees. Your guess is as good as mine. He lost that money about a $1000 (150,000 Nigerian naira)

They lack good sense of judgment
Some days past I asked a question somewhere in one of my outings in one of the higher institutions in Nigeria; I asked if I present a book of 5,500 Nigerian naira and a cash of 3,500 which of them will you prefer? All the students said they would prefer the cash. They also admit that it is a bad sense of judgment apart from a boy who argued that it is not a wrong decision or sense of judgment that it depends on the individual, that to him it is the right thing to do.

If your sense of judgment is poor you can hardly do anything right. Always try to look at things with your inner eyes. Don’t always judge from the physical perspective, the must credible factors are always hidden from senses. Prophet Samuel almost anoints the wrong person instead of the man God has chosen the man David going by the physical appearance.

Once someone wanted counsel, he said he wants to marry someone he loves so much, but any counsel you give to him he will always rebuff, finally all the friends asked him to go ahead but not for long the so called wife to be started dating a friend who visited them some time ago. The worst is she was so loose that anybody can have her grace their bed.

Good sense of judgment is needed in all you do if you most succeed in life.

They procrastinate
Procrastination is the grave many great destinies have been buried. There are many dreams that where never lived, many visions that where never followed, many goals that where never attained. Whatever you have to do it now and be quick. Time waits for no one.

They are tied to the old pattern
“That is not the way things are done” the priest shouted, “but I needed a different result” Emeka reasoned within himself. “Don’t shout when you pray” the priest continued, “God can hear even when you whispered to his ears. He is not your age mate or deft.” Emaka wondered if that is true, he read the story on how Jesus prayed and sweat coming out of his body like droplets of blood. So Emeka left the parish to somewhere quiet that no one can hear or disturb him, not for long the hung back disappeared without anyone laying hands or anointing him. He was born with the deformity and he was not comfortable with it. He has always wanted his pastor to heal him instead, what he gets is how he can live with it and accept his fate.

There are many way to get things done, if you need better result get serious, find out better way to get it done and change pattern.

They are not passionate enough or they lack driving force
Whatever you believe in, do it as if your life depends on it. Be firm with your goals and create a strong craving to achieve it no matter what. When you lack the passion it is easier to quit, and quitting is not an option, if it becomes one you can never win. Life is a battle if you quit fighting you live to fight a greater battle. Wake up to your dreams pursue them and win. There is no way to get serious apart from getting serious by breaking the limit of unwillingness in your mind. You can if you think and know you can. Don’t just sit down there without applying what you know.

They are easily carried away or distracted
The road to success is smooth distraction is just by the way side, if you ignore the side attractions and focus on your dream you just walk up to it. Lack of self discipline is the major reason for distraction. Everything is not devil like many Christians always think; if you do what you are supposed to do, they have no option than to watch you progress, I mean your enemies will be far from reach.

They fail to plan or plan well
Failure to plan is a plan to fail.  Proper preparation produces prompt performance. Plan your time; your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities. My Senior Pastor told me a story of one of his lecturers during his MSc program, who will always right down what he will do on that and will always tick the ones he has accomplished.

They don’t take/hate correction or hate when someone criticize them
Some people hate correction or criticism. Criticism is the refining tool that talents, abilities, and general life undertakings grow. My mother told us a story of a brass smith, who will always invite people to come and criticize his products. During his era he was the best. Let people talk bad about you be sincere with your judgment with what they said is it true and if it is true why not repent and change and make amends. There are sometimes elements of truth in criticisms

They are always with the wrong people
Who is your friend? Friends have lots of influence in your destiny. You can not be greater than the kind of friends you keep. If your friends beat up their wives certainly you will soon join them. Success is contagious so is failure. Make friends with their type of people that fit your goal.

They don’t know how to manage time
There 24hours in a day, successful people don’t have 25hours. Time management is the key. The 24hours can be divided into 3 sections of 8hours. If you sleep/rest for one, work for another then the other is the determining factor if you will be great or not. Some people misuse the last part of the daily section of their time. If you sleep or play more than eight hour, then be sure what will come out of it.  Many great people push their working time further and plan/think and strategize with the other. Read books on time management.

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