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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Developing Leadership Ability

Before we discuss the topic in whole, I would like us to look at the main points.

Ability is a level of skill or intelligence one has in doing something. It is an inner strength one uses in getting things done. Ability may also mean will power residence in us given to us by God from birth. So, every one has certain level of ability. It is just there either you know it or not you can develop the skill to fit certain responsibility.  I think the bible has a verse for that Matt 25:15.

From this point of view and what I want to drive at, I view leader as some one who takes responsibility; one who execute tasks, who get things done, one who cause things to happen in the desired direction, a problem solver, a path finder, and one who project ideas, goals and vision for his future and those entrusted to him, and those around him. So you see is beyond taking a lead or heading a group.

Leadership ability
This is the inner will power, level of special skill or enablement, or intelligence one posses which distinguishes or puts him ahead of others and at the same time empower him to get things done uniquely. The problem with the world today, and mostly the African continent, our political leaders lack this type of leadership.  This is why the continent is failing in almost everything. Organizations will not do well without his type of leaders.
What most business organizations do this day is they go for credentials without looking at the credibility of the owner. It goes beyond passing an aptitude test or taking interview it is showing great initiatives and having a great sense of futuristic foresight.

Tips on how to develop leadership ability
Out of the leaders in the world today majority maneuvered their way up, some are pushed (inherited it or bought into it), and very few grew into attaining it. The most effective and result-full among them all are those who have passed through due process and are prepared. And guess what, these are the very few categories of leaders.

How then can we develop this unique leadership special skill?

You must develop emotional and mental maturity
This has to do with empowering your mind and emotion and having total control over the way you think, feel, and act. Emotional and mental state of a man is the sum total of the way he behaves and act. One’s temperament is tied to it. For one to develop emotional and mental maturity he must deliberately control himself over all things. It calls for total discipline of one’s self. In all things give your emotion direction and be well focused. Think before you execute, consider before you act, evaluate before you undertake, peruse before you accept, let everything have cause. Don’t act from sentiment and feelings or from assumptions. Past experience may help but be sure the instant are the same and not just similar. So, self control, discipline and focus are the keys.

You must be mentored
The path of leadership development you want to thread, many have gone through that before. So is easy to learn from example than from experience. Take caution from their pit falls and make amend. You must be a follower before you are made. Jesus said “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” The making of leadership is in the followership. Matt 4:19

You must learn leadership
The processes of making include learning and learning most involve study. Study to show yourself approved: read books, magazines, listen to tapes, videos and attend seminars. The bottom line is learning leadership.

You have to be a compass
You have to show people the way. All you do should be others oriented, I mean be selfless and more of problem solving. Show the way let others follow. Live an exemplary life. God is looking for a man who will stand in the gap… what that means is services to humanity. Just be the one to carry the touch.

You must be a worker
God is a worker, Jesus is also a worker, and most great successful leaders ever in the history of life are workers. Who then are you, a looker? If you see a man diligent in his business he shall stand before great men and not commoners.

You must relate with people
Find people of like mind and relate with them. You can not be an island of own you need people to stand. Human are the bridges of life; make good bridge and be sure you will not fail or fall. If you can manage people rightly you can manage anything.

You must not neglect the God factor

If God be fore you who can be against you? Permit me to rephrase this question; if God be against you who can be for you? Be connected to the giver of all things and always ask him to increase you.

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