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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Financial Building and Preservation (Part I)

In this part one, I shall be speaking on financial building. Enjoy these 7 powerful tips!

I have come to realize that most wealthy men as front liners are not Christians. Once, somebody asked me a question “do you know what they do to make wealth?” I told him, the issue is not what they do; the question is, what are you doing to be wealthy?

Bill gate is an ordinary man who discovered what he could do to solve people’s problem and today he is one of the worlds richest. Another man I would like to mention is Dangote; a Nigerian who can be recognize among the world class. He took a loan of five hundred thousand Nigerian naira from an uncle, but today he has all races on his payroll. I know of a woman; I actually read on one of the pages of our dailies precisely “vanguard” in June 2011. She sells bean cake, guess what? She has a jeep packed by her side. If making wealth seems that easy why are some business men and women still poor? In fact one may wonder what the secret is.
Wealth Building/Creation

In this wealth building, I would like to ask you some questions. The more accurate you answer, the more likely you have the way out. The questions stand as tips/keys

  • What is in your hands?

In exodus 4:2 God asked Moses, what is in your hand? What Moses was having in his hands was just a rod but with that same rod God delivered the Israelites. Wealth does not fall from special skies but doing that thing you know how to do best. God can only bless the work of you hand. If you have nothing in your hand that you are doing financially, what will God increase or bless? Don’t sit there expecting manna from heaven, it won’t fall and even if it does, you won’t recognize it. A wise man once said “a lucky man is one who does not depend on lucky to succeed”.

  • Do you always try without a target?

Apostle Paul said that he is not like those who blow the air, rather he tries to aim at a target and right away he directs his blow. Each time you put what you have to work, please try to create a target and then make sure you aim at it. Instead of running around without making noticeable progress; set a goal and work towards it. Get a personal financial plan, work towards it and adhere to it. Change when the need arises.

  • Do you sometime despise what you have or you are faced with low self esteem?

I was working with a boy who hated what he was doing. He has often complained of leaving the business because it’s not good enough for him. I told him nothing is better then what you are doing now. Do it as if there is no tomorrow. There is no better opportunity than what you have, just build it and make sure you spread out. Accept yourself, work out modalities to improve.

  • Don’t you think you are not financially sensitive enough?

Permit me to ask if you know when one is not sensitive financially. This calls for great intuition and divine direction. In 1 Chronicles 12:32. The men of Issachar had understanding of the time and they knew what Israel ought to do. I want to quickly say here that, you should learn more with the leading of the inner man. Know when to change your trade or to embark on progress transition on the same kind of activity or trade. Understand when to strike and to refrain from doing so. Financial sensitivity is nothing far from knowing when to act promptly to make gain or achieve certain goals.
  • Do you know how to invest wisely?

Some people don’t invest at all much less doing it wisely. There was a time I made wrong investment. And you know what, it almost cost me my life. I invested all I have in an idea I was sure was not going to fail but it failed. Although, it failed because of the greed and corruption of the groups heads and eventually everything collapsed. So you must be sensitive don’t ignore your instinct, my instinct actually told me to withdraw but I was slow to it.  Be sensitive and be quick to act. To be sensitive is not to live a life of fear or skepticism or unpredictability. Be firm and take risk.

  • Are you growing in your career or is your career growing?

If you are growing in your career, then your career most grows. Learn to grow your career or business so that you can grow. Stop doing things in the usual way. Everything is changing; learn to develop on yourself and than build your career. Life becomes boring if you have nothing progressive to show for your existence. You don’t expect to do something the same way and get different result. There is no magic to growth do all it takes to grow then up you go.

  •  Do you make use of your time or you waste it?

A lot of people and even students spend a lot of time doing nothing

In a day there are 24 hours and this can be divided into three parts. The first eight hours most time is spent sleeping. The other eight hours is spent doing active assignment or business. As a student this may be your time in school. Success comes in the proper use of the third part of the day. If you drag your resting and sleeping time above eight hours as most people do, that is where hardship comes.  If you spend eight hours sleeping, three to four hours viewing movies, four hours parting or visiting, maybe a more two hours walking around, joking and so on, you would have spent about sixteen to seventeen hours doing almost doing nothing daily. Imagine that. Spend your time wisely.

Let me quickly say. “Poverty is as a result of the misuse of time.” Time is money they say. Be ready for the release of wealth

Watch out for part two

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